Of all the social media platforms, Facebook is probably the one that changes most frequently and most dramatically. What worked so well last year, or last month, or even yesterday, is dead in the water today. In today’s episode we speak with Michael Stelzner of Social Media Examiner who shares with us evidence-based reasons on […]


Budgets sound cheap. Budget travel, budget hotel, budget wedding. Budgets also sound restricting. What’s the budget? Keep to the budget! Don’t go over the budget!! But budgets are really about understanding how much your clients are worth, how much it costs to acquire and keep them, and how to make the most out of limited […]


Are you just going to “roll over” your current marketing plan into next year? With 2018 rapidly coming to a close, Rich Brooks of flyte new media shares his agency’s changing strategies for the new year. How they plan to refocus their attention and generate more leads going forward. He reminds us that if you […]


Facebook’s ad platform gives you more control over your ad campaigns compared to any other platform out there. Whether you’re a pizza shop looking for more customers, or an online retail store looking to find more people interested in your products, Facebook’s audience targeting options allow you to reach the right people based on location, […]


By now it should be safe to assume most people are aware that LinkedIn has much more to offer than as just a place to park your resume. But don’t think it’s a free-for-all opportunity to spam the heck out of people with cold business pitches. To success at generating leads from LinkedIn, you want […]


Webinars are a great way to grow and empower your community. When done creatively, they can also drive different revenue streams for your business. The very interactive nature of a webinar lends itself to being a fast track to building trust, engagement, and community– the building blocks for growing your business.  


We’ve all thought at one time or another, if I could just come up with a great idea, it will sell itself and I’ll be rolling in money. Well, it’s not quite that simple. Sure, the idea is the impetus of the plan, but the process that you use to keep it moving forward – […]


Many small businesses offer their products and services to a specific geographical market. To be successful, they need to make sure they’re being found quickly in search engines. That’s why incorporating strategies specific to local search and SEO is an important part of creating a well-rounded and comprehensive online marketing strategy. To help increase your […]


After 21 years in business, I finally decided to take a sabbatical. If you’ve been wondering if you can take a sabbatical, or how to make it happen, I’ll share my process in this episode! And, if you’re not sure why you should take a sabbatical, I’ll share with you why I’m taking mine, and […]


As a business you always want to be building loyalty and trust from your clients and prospective clients. The best way to do that is by telling stories that they can relate to personally.  You should think of storytelling as tribe building.  And if you put out your story, you’re going to attract like-minded people […]