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As popular television dance shows have demonstrated, if you’re going to dance, you’ve got to know the steps. But, did you also know that, if you want to shake the bottom line of your online business, your SEO and email marketing should dance together? You don’t have to know how to tango, two-step or even […]


We love to receive feedback, comments and questions from our listeners and relish the opportunity to answer any specific questions or pain points that you may have. Recently we received an email from a communications and marketing student from Canada seeking some information specifically around the area of blogging. So we decided to help her […]


Thom Craver is speaking at AOC2015! A seasoned Web developer since 1993, Thom is a technical SEO and digital analytics veteran. From system administration to coding to marketing and analysis, few have the full 360-degree view of modern day digital marketing. Thom started his first Web consultancy, New York Web Works, in 1997 and never […]


Search engine optimization is ever changing. New Google algorithms come out all the time, sometimes putting a wrench into what you thought were your white hat SEO tactics. What is white hat vs. black hat? What are the best practices that stand the test of time? If you are looking to stay up to date […]


How often do you browse the second page of search results beyond the top 10 hits Google suggests? What about the third page? If you’re like most online users, the answer is “not much.“ Research shows that 85 percent of people look no further than the first page of Google search results. Ninety-nine percent look […]


What’s the story behind the Agents of Change Digital Marketing Conference? For the past three years I had been running Social Media FTW, a conference on social media marketing with two partners of mine.  While it had been a great success, I always felt that social media is only part of the solution. Few businesses […]