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Supporting image for How to Create a Winning Video Strategy – Ryan Koral
How to Create a Winning Video Strategy – Ryan Koral
The Agents of Change

Are you looking for ways to grow your business? You might want to consider using videos. Videos can help you reach a wider audience, and they can also help you build a stronger relationship with your current customers. Ryan Koral discusses some of the benefits of using videos to grow your business, including some tips for creating easy, successful videos that pack a ROI punch.


Rich: My guest today is a documentary filmmaker and the founder of Tell Studios where his team creates video with soul for their clients so they can make a greater impact on the world. He’s also an educator at Studio Sherpas, and host of a weekly podcast for filmmakers wanting to start and grow their own video business.

He loves watching The Office, eating Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, hugs, and his wife and three kids, but not necessarily in that order.

Today, we’re going to be talking about the type of videos you should be creating for your own business with Ryan Koral. Ryan, welcome to the podcast.

Ryan: Rich, thanks for having me, man. I love that. I should have you do an intro for us and say that, the videos with soul. You did such a good job with that, that was very well done.

Rich: It’s funny, because a lot of people tell me that they love the way that I introduce them. When really nine times out of 10, they’ve given me the content. So I don’t know if they’re just BS’ing me, or that no one else reads it with such enthusiasm.

Ryan: Just the enthusiasm. You should start a podcast or something.

Rich: I should look into that. That’s absolutely true. This is not my first podcast actually, although it is by far my longest running one.

So wait, so where were we going to go with this? Oh well. And of course what’s funny – it’s not funny, but you know – I was just on your podcast about five minutes ago, so we literally are just spending the afternoon together and it’s wonderful. Just love it. Alright.

So I want to ask, you started your own video production agency. And what is it about video that you love, why did you make this your calling?

Ryan: Man, I love this question. First off, I love talking about me. So this is going to work out great. If all the questions are to me about me, this is going to be so fun. So 17 years ago, I had just finished working at a summer cm\amp. And every single week they would do a recap video and it was like a three-to-five-minute video, and they would show all the fun, powerful things that were happening at this camp. Super cool training, music, fun shots. I’m like, man, that looks so cool.

So I was hanging out with the video guys. I was watching what they were doing. I was asking them questions. Late night after we would put our kids to bed I would go – well, don’t tell their parents this – but I would go to the video guys and watch what they were doing. I think somebody was watching the kids, whatever, so they’re all fine now. So yeah, I think so.

Rich: So they don’t have abandonment issues or anything?

Ryan: No. They’re like, where’s our counselor? So that summer I was like, man, this is amazing stuff. At the same time, my wife and I had been going to this church that had this video production department, where every single week they were creating these eight-to-ten-minute life transformation stories. And there was not a Sunday where I would watch one of these videos and not be weeping because of the power, because of where this person’s life was at, just broken, empty, lost, confused, just at the bottom of everything. And then they would have some sort of significant moment that would happen in their lives and then they would share the transf. And, I’m just like, tears after tears. And I’m like, man, there is something to this.

And at the same time, the college that I was working at, I was working in the enrollment department. My job was to try to get more eyeballs on the campus, try to get more people to visit the campus to see what we were doing. And I had somehow convinced my boss to buy me a video camera and a computer. And I started making little promo videos for some of the events and the things that we were doing at the college. With this desire I’m like, man, I want to make stuff that like moves people’s hearts. And so I got to start playing, and I was getting paid to do this.

And about six months into me playing, I looked at my wife – we were newly married, we had like almost no debt – and I just said, “I want to do this full time. Would you support me if I just tried to make this into a business?” And to replace $11 an hour salary that I was making at the college wasn’t going to be probably that hard. I’d have to be really bad at video to not be able to do that. But she was on totally on board. And this was back in 2004, I left the college. And the college started contracting me to do video stuff. The church started contracting me to do stuff. And then at some point, some random person who had no connection to me hired me and gave me $300. And I was like, oh my gosh I’m going to be rich.

And so for me it has been all about story and about the human being, life transformation, trying to create emotive pieces that connect, that resonate with people and that get them to change the way they think about things.

Rich: And I just want to say one thing that you and I share in common. And my listeners might not even know this is, we’re big crybabies. We love to cry. You told me that when you got up on stage in Lima in front of Jessika’s conference and told everybody you like to cry and you cry at movies. And I’m like, I’m the same way. I’m not even talking about Inside Out, which everybody who has a soul is going to cry at, Especially the scene with the imaginary friend who sacrifices his life. Oh my God. I’m tearing up right now. Oh man. But it’s Guardians of the Galaxy 2 when they have the firework show at the end, I’m like tears running down my face. My girlfriend is like, “Are you crying at Guardians of the Galaxy 2? Yes. Okay, that was a side note. And I just wanted to say, when you say tears running down your face, you’re probably telling the truth.

Ryan: Yes. Let me just correct you though, I never said that I enjoy it. Because I mean, you saw me on stage. It took me, I don’t know, two minutes to try to collect myself. So that part I don’t like. But I am not afraid to cry. And I acknowledge that it happens probably more than I would like it to. So that’s all.

Rich: Yeah. And so I used to hide it while I was watching TV, because you know. Now I’m just like, I just start bawling. And then if anybody I don’t know is in the room, I just swear them to secrecy in an NDA.

Ryan: That’s right. That’s right.

Rich: Also just referencing the first the person gave you $300. It’s just funny because I absolutely remember when I got my first non-family member to pay me to do web work and it was like, oh my God, I might actually make a living at this. And it was $600 and it was a plastic surgeon. I won’t say his name, because I think he’s still out there somewhere. But you know, the bottom line is yeah, $600 to build a website for him.

Ryan: And he’s still out there, thanks to you.

Rich: I think he’s still there. He might have retired. But we did a series of websites for him for quite some time.

So I also know from being on your show, that you started doing a lot of wedding videos, but then at a certain point you moved into more corporate videos. So tell me a little bit about that, because obviously that shift had to be different. How do you still have a soulful, compelling narrative in a corporate video?

Ryan: Yes. I mean the thing, six months into me doing video full time, I had a wedding photographer friend of mine who was like, “Dude, I got a client on Saturday, they need a video. Would you shoot their wedding?” I’m like, I never shot a video. I’ve only been to like one wedding and that was my own. Like, I don’t know what a wedding video looks like. But I was like $500 bucks, dude. I just got paid $300 bucks, I thought that was a ton. I’ll take $500 bucks and figure out how to shoot a wedding. I shot this wedding and absolutely loved the experience. We created this awesome film for this couple that they’re like, holy cow, I can’t believe we paid $500 bucks for this guy. I way over delivered, but I just loved it. And I said, man, this is the kind of emotive piece that I want to create.

And so that’s how I built the brand for the next seven years. Creating these love stories and telling these stories of people uniting, and the stories of their family and all that stuff. I just, it was fascinating. The shots we got were gorgeous, the stories were amazing. And then as our family started to grow and our desire to maybe have a savings of some sort and maybe be able to pay for some of our kids’ college, it was like, we couldn’t do weddings full time forever and have enough to live off of. So somebody way smarter than me looked at our accounting and they’re like, man, you guys do really well, six months out of the year, but you’ve got a lot of bandwidth to shoot a lot more stuff and edit a lot more stuff the other six months out of the year.

And I was like, well… And then my friend Patrick, who had been in this world of telling corporate stories, had told me, “Dude, don’t be afraid to get away from wedding work.” He’s like, there are so many amazing stories in nonprofits, even in businesses that are making tons of money. The reason why people start businesses is because they have a vision, they have a passion, they want to change the world. Even if it’s just in a tiny way because of whatever idea or thing that they think that can help the world. And when I started thinking like that, I was like, oh, I can get behind that. I don’t care to make a business, a ton of money or to whatever, but if I can capture their story and talk about their ‘why’ and really get to the soul of what this business means to them and how it can help people. That, to me, that gets me super excited.

So if I’m sitting across from a founder and here she is telling me their story, I’m like, oh man, this is good. This is their heart. This is partially why they were created. And they have a unique skill and gift and passion that somebody else doesn’t have. And they have a different way of communicating in. They’ve got a different story, like their background and all this stuff. And that to me is so fascinating.

So when we work with marketing teams, it’s great, and we create awesome stuff for the brands that they work for. But for me personally, when I’m able to sit across from the founder and to really get to the heart and the soul of like, why does all of this exist? Like, why are we making this video? Why do you even care? When we start talking about stuff like that, I’m going to put myself out there. I’m being a little vulnerable there. I have occasional times where I may or may not have teared up as I’m listening to somebody really just talk from the most passionate place for why they do what they do. I mean, I just think it’s beautiful.

Rich: That’s obviously one type of video, and very powerful when it comes to companies. What other kinds of videos, because you obviously have now with so much experience are working with companies, consulting with companies on the kind of video content they should be creating. What are some of the types or styles of video that you generally recommend businesses consider when they’re adding video to everything else they’re doing?

Ryan: Just all of them, just do all of them. I think the most important…okay. And I’m a little shaded. Shaded? Jaded. I’m a little jaded. I think our stories are so important, it is our differentiator. When somebody’s considering my video company versus another one, if they know my story, if they can get a sense of my passion, my heartbeat, what I care about, that’s either going to draw them in and say oh man, we got to work with this guy, or it’s going to totally turn them off and be like, this is way too much, crybabies, no thanks. And that’s fine. I don’t want to work with anybody that doesn’t want to work with the crybabies.

So I think your story can be your differentiator. If it’s true, if it’s authentic, if you’re not afraid to really put yourself out there. I think your client stories, I think those really from a sales perspective. If that was the only thing that you had on your website was the stories, the success stories of the clients that you worked with, case studies. Those could also be like very similar where the transformation, what it looked like working with you, I think those are super, super powerful.

And I would say as a business owner myself, most all of us have done a really poor job of capturing the transformation that we’ve been a part of. Not solely. We’ve helped businesses make millions of dollars because of the videos that we’ve done for them. It wasn’t just because of the videos that we did, they had a larger campaign and a vision for how they wanted this to roll out. And the video was definitely part of that. But if you are not looking at your own story, and if you’re not looking at your clients and trying to figure out how are we actually helping people. As soon as you start identifying those things, then in your sales material for your team if it’s you yourself, that’s this kind of stuff it’s like, well, what do you do? Well, we actually, we help businesses generate revenue through soulful stories. That’s not one of our things that we say, but that’s what we do. And to be able to showcase those stories of what life was like before and what life is like now that we worked with somebody like Tell Studios or with Rich Brooks, like man we’re crushing it. “I’m a plastic surgeon and the website that Rich built me 20 years ago got me through all these years, and I was able to retire a happy man. Rich, thank you for the work that you guys did.” Those are the kind of stories that make it super easy for me to be like, if he could do that for them, he could totally do that for me. You start envisioning yourself in those stories in that success. And it’s something psychological. I’m not like a brain science guy or anything, but something is triggered that we can identify and put ourselves in that. And that just makes the whole sales cycle and process way easier. It doesn’t become hard like hard selling.

Rich: Yeah. And I feel like I use crasser language than you do. But you know, talking about your videos, talking to clients and how we’ve helped them. I mean, obviously that’s a testimonial video, to put in crass terms, which is very effective. The bottom line is, we do put ourselves in the shoes of other people. We go to a website and we see that somebody who not necessarily looks like us, but has some of the same questions and concerns, came with the same problems. They weren’t sure, they chose the solution that this person put forward, and now their life is so much better. In so many different ways, that is compelling storytelling. That’s definitely a strong approach to videos.

So we’ve talked a little bit about getting the founder or maybe some of the early people on the team or the teammates, your internal team, to do some talking. And we’ve talked about doing some of these client-based ones. Are there other types of videos that you find to be very effective for digital marketing on the website, online, what have you?

Ryan: TikToks. You know the TikTac video trend. Just kidding.

Rich: Are you talking about TikTok?

Ryan: I have teenagers… or at least one. So no, I’m sort of joking, but not really. Those, I don’t want to go down that road. I mean social content, like that’s creating. When somebody comes to us and if they said, “Hey, I’ve got $100,000, how should we spend this on video? I would say, hey, you need your story. You need some client stories. You need a capabilities film, really to just talk about let’s get to the nuts and bolts. Forget the story, okay. Like I already like you. I’m liking what I’m hearing why you started this business. But at the end of the day, what am I getting when I hire somebody? Like, how long you guys been around? Do you, are helping other businesses? What are the things that you offer, the products and services? I think it’s really important to have that.

FAQ videos are super simple, so easy. You should have an FAQ section on your website so that your sales team isn’t answering every single one of these questions. But to make quick, little videos to build some connection with the people. Maybe it is your salesperson that’s doing all these FAQs, so when they’re on the call with the salesperson they’re like, “Oh yeah, you’re the guy in the videos, I went through those.” So you can save time. People can, as they’re going through this funnel on your website. If you’re building trust and really putting your people, they’re not using stock stuff if you can avoid it. But really your people like that’s the kind of stuff. Like people just want to work with real people and they want to know that you’re real, that you’re not perfect. Like it’s okay to just say Hey, my hair actually today is… my daughter’s like, “Your hair looks fine, not as good as it usually is.” You’re so sweet, but it’s okay. I’m like, you know what? I’m just going to be, this is me today, and you get what you get. Don’t throw a fit. Hey, I don’t know. Am I talking too fast? Is this helpful at all?

Rich: We can slow it down in post-production. It’s fine.

So we talked about capabilities videos. We’ve talked about FAQs. Before I move on to the next section, any other types of videos that you feel are good for businesses or nonprofits?

Ryan: Yeah. Let me just land the plane here. So you have a hundred thousand dollars. I’m like, hey, your story, your client story, case studies, testimonials, capabilities, FAQs. So we still got money to spend. The first half of those videos, those should be professionally produced. If your website, if you invested in branding and somebody to do your website and things look nice and clean, your video should look nice and clean. Your story should be polished, it should feel good. Your case studies, those should feel like they don’t have to be overly produced and feel like an infomercial, but they should be nice.

The last place where I would, well, maybe one of the last places I would tell you that is important would be video for social. So Instagram Reels, YouTube. Holy cow, YouTube. If you’re not putting videos on YouTube where you’re teaching people, taking your FAQs and putting those on YouTube and using that as a place for search engine and the driving traffic to your website. Not embedding YouTube videos on your website, please don’t do that. Use a different thing to do that so that your website can be yours and look clean and all of that stuff. But creating authentic pieces where you’re just shooting a vertical video with your phone out and about, trying to build real connections with your people. Those do not need to be polished. You don’t need to hire a crew. I mean, we’ll gladly follow you around and create documentary style stuff that’s going to look amazing, but you don’t need that. If you have the foundation stuff on your website, that really is your story, those elements.

All the other stuff, most all of the other stuff, could be just very authentic. Whipping your phone out and capturing a quick video. Hey, here I am doing this thing, trying to be human, trying to show you the behind the scenes of what we do and the process. That stuff is super interesting for people. And again, it differentiates you from your competition. Even if your competition is doing the same kind of stuff, it at least says this is us, this is how I do life. This is how I do work. This is what I care about. This is our flow. So if you like the flow, then let’s have a chat.

Rich: Well not only that, if your people are there and they’re on video, depending on the size of your company, people are getting to know your team. Just like you said, “oh you’re the guy from the video.” I’ve seen that kind of stuff work all the time.

There’s a certain affinity when you see somebody, whether it’s a TV show or whether it’s on the web, whatever it is. But you start to get to know that you feel like you know that person a little bit better. And video is as close today as we can get to real world interaction. So I mean, we’re seeing the body movement, we’re seeing how they handle themselves. That definitely gives us a sense of do we want to be working with these people?   

So you talked a little bit about platforms, and you shared your opinion about not embedding videos on your website. You and I may have a difference opinion on that one, but it’s fine. Well, I just I put it up, we use YouTube a lot for education. Like we’re teaching somebody, here’s how you set up G4, or whatever it may be. We would create a blog post on that same topic. We would embed the YouTube video in there, in part because we want to get more views.

That being said, I also use Vimeo. So my secret sauce is every time I create a proposal, I do an introductory video. Our proposals are delivered via webpages. And so then I will basically just, if I was doing proposal for you, I’ll be like, “Hey Ryan, thanks so much. Great meeting last week. Based on what you were looking to do, I put together the proposal you see below. It’s got this, that, and this is what I think you should do. Let me know if you have any questions.” So immediately now in the age of zoom, of course, people have already seen you, but it’s still good to have one more version of yourself. And it’s usually imperfect. I usually have a few ‘um’s’ and ‘aah’s’ in there. But it is what it is, but you’re making that connection for sure.

Ryan: I would say I would agree like on a blog, great place for YouTube. Like that’s acceptable. Front page of your website or your ‘about’ page, having a YouTube embedded video I just think it’s poor taste. Because who knows what video is going to pop up next? People can get distracted. The player is so messy. Obviously, people recognize it, but that’s YouTube’s. And you can really create the kind of experience that you want people to have on the first front facing pages of your website. But then when you get into the social aspect, like a blog, oh my gosh, YouTube all day long. I think that’s totally fine.

Rich: And I always shut off related videos if I am going to embed a YouTube video on my website because I don’t want them to go, but I hear what you’re saying.

So there are obviously going to be owners and marketers listening to this podcast who aren’t using video because they claim they have no time, they have no money, maybe they have no on camera charisma. What would you say to those people?

Ryan: Yeah, just start blogging or something. Just kidding. Yeah. I mean, here’s what I’m learning is that if you really believe in your product or service, you believe that it can help people, it’s your responsibility to do whatever you can to get as many people to know about the way that you can help them. And today, video is the thing where people can build trust and likability so fast. And to think about your hair or your voice or, whatever, something about you that you don’t… we all have that stuff about ourselves that we just don’t like. So I think it’s just a matter of trying really hard to get over yourself so that you can help other people. Because here’s what’s true is none of us – well I shouldn’t say none of us – most of us are out and about in our communities in some way, whether it’s just like shopping at the store or hanging out with the PTA at our kids’ school or whatever. So we are out. And when people ask us about what we do, what we’re excited about, we tell them. So there’s not much of a difference, other than rather than it’s eyeballs on you, as it’s being asked. It’s a glass lens asking you the same thing.

So, that’s the easy answer. Once you realize that your message is more important, video is going to be the thing that can help transport people the quickest, the fastest, the easiest. I would say I was sharing this recently with somebody else, what are some of the practices that you do or you did to get comfortable. Because early on, I mean, I’ve always loved the stage. I always love a microphone. That’s just a good time if you ask me, but not for everybody. But when I started recording videos for our own website and then for social, I would overthink and over plan, and re-shoot a hundred times because I cared about all the little details. Plus, as a video production company, striving for excellence and trying to create beautiful films, there’s that aspect too of man, it’s not perfect. And I wanted it to be perfect.

So what I started doing is on my cell phone, they have teleprompter apps that you can download for your phone and I would script out my whole thing. And I would even as I’m writing, this is a ninja tip here, I would write in ‘ahs’ and ‘ums’ so that it wouldn’t feel super canned, so that I would feel like I’m just trying to have a conversation. And I would read these scripts into my phone. The teleprompter app would have a recorder, so it would record the video, and it would show the text on the screen on my phone. And I started doing that for, I probably did 20 or 30 videos like that. And then eventually I was like, man, I don’t need the whole script. I just need my introduction sentence, then I need the three bullets that I want to talk about, and then what’s the call to action here, how do I wrap this thing up? Because I do talk a lot and sometimes it’s hard for me to land the plane. So you know, having that opening line, closing line, and then just a couple of things that I want to say in between. Then I was able to talk, I could go on and on, and then I could go back and I could cut out any fluff that I didn’t want.

But then eventually I come on a podcast and people could ask me questions and I wouldn’t feel like I needed my script. What are the three bullets that I want to talk about? It’s just like a muscle, being on camera. It’s like a muscle you have to work it out, you got to practice, you got to keep at it. And fortunately, if there was anything good that came out of the pandemic, it was that most of us got used to being on a zoom call. And so there it’s out of the way, like we’ve been on video way more than we ever have prior to the pandemic. And now it’s okay, you got some reps in, just do it on your own.

I like to shoot my videos on my own. I’ve got an incredible team. I’m in my studio right now, but I don’t want anybody in here. I want to be able to just free flow when I’m making a course video or doing my podcast intro and outro. I just want to be by myself. I want to screw up on my own and redo it. If somebody’s in here I can do it, but I’m partially like trying to make them think that I’m really good at this and getting in my head and whatever. But that’s my personal preference.

Rich: I don’t know that I could record a podcast if somebody was sitting here, for sure. But I think one of the big takeaways there is you got to get in your reps. Like the bottom line is, and obviously there are types of videos where you wouldn’t even have to be on camera. I’ve made screen sharing videos, not because I’m afraid of the camera, but just because I needed to show somebody something and I didn’t need to be there on screen for it. So that’s one way to start. But getting in your reps. That’s the answer to almost everything in life. It’s just about putting in that time.

You actually brought up a point I wanted to get to, so I’ll just ask that question now. The call to action. So we generally are creating these videos. Obviously, we’re talking about corporate videos and not wedding videos now, to get somebody to take an action. So are all of the video categories that we talked about ripe for calls to action, or is that more just on the educational or salesy ones? How do you properly end a video at Tell Studio?

Ryan: Yeah, usually the script just like on the screen, it just says ‘the end’, ‘fin’. And then, yeah. So this is a good question because it took me a while to figure this out. When we started doing brand films, so many people were hesitant. They’re like, well, that’s hard to justify getting a brand film because like, what’s the ROI? And I’m like, I don’t know.

And then I finally realized that when we branded ourselves, when we hired a firm and paid them a lot of money to help us come up with a name, help us get a logo, paid somebody to design our website, all these things, I was like, well, what’s the ROI in that? I’m like, I don’t know. But what I do know is now that I have like really good copy and an awesome tagline and a sweet logo and just a sweet feel like when somebody comes to our website, I feel like I could sell anything to anybody. I’ve got these tools in my back pocket. And for a brand story, I realize it’s about creating a feeling.

So to be able to put any type of, what’s the return on this? I don’t know. But what it can do with your ideal client is get them to say yeah, I get it, like that makes sense. Get them to lean in and say, I like these guys. How do you put money on that? So trying to figure out how do you put a dollar amount on that, I don’t know. But if you can create that, that is really good.

So when we create brand films, we don’t put a strong call to action. If anything, it’s like maybe a website would, we would. Flash, depending on where it’s living. If it’s living on the actual site, we’re not going to put the URL of the thing. So it might be a nice logo transition or something like that.

Now if we’re doing any piece that’s going to be living off site. So if it’s YouTube or if somebody wants to embed it somewhere else, then we’re going to try to drive traffic to a landing page, or we’re going to have a specific call to action. So any teaching pieces, social content, anything like that, it’s probably going to have some kind of a URL. Today, we’re actually doing QR codes on some of the videos that we’re doing. So I think it’s way more appropriate on videos that are invoking some sort of action. Like what is the action that you want people to take for brand film? It’s there’s no action. It’s just we want you to feel something, and then hopefully if you feel something you’re scrolling, you’re watching, you’re looking at the rest of the page. Maybe there’s another video.

And if you have a free offer or something that’s in alignment, then I think it’s okay to maybe throw up just subtly on something like a brand story. But a teaching film, a FAQ video, “for a list of all of our FAQs, make sure you’re going to tellstudio.com/faqs,” that’s sort of how we would approach it.

Rich: Makes a lot of sense. So if somebody is looking for some help on telling their own story through video, or if they just want to learn more about you Ryan, where can we send them?

Ryan: Yes. Send them to the moon and back. I like to try to do like funny quips. Like every question that you ask me, I try to… like, is it working out so well?

Rich: Oh, it’s hysterical.

Ryan: I crack myself up. So I put together a guide, if you will. FAQ videos, I think, are so easy to do. You can do them with your iPhone. So I’ve got a guide that we created, how to take your smartphone, how to create smart FAQ videos, how to frame them. We even have a couple of like gear suggestions, if you want to buy like a nice little light that’s very inexpensive on Amazon and a nice little microphone that’s going to sound way better than the one on your phone or your laptop. So I put together this guide where you can create FAQ videos with little to no effort, make them look and sound really good.

And I also have a couple of other video editing software suggestions that I highly recommend, especially if you’re doing all of this on your own and you just can’t farm any of it out. So if you go to Tell Studios – T E L L, like we tell stories – if you go to tellstudios.com/secretformula. Please put that in the show notes, the link to that, because that’s a lot of letters to be typing. But slash secret formula, you can download that guide for free. And hopefully it’s a helpful resource for your peeps.

Rich: Awesome. And we will put that in the show notes. You also have a membership course for video production companies. So if somebody’s listening and they’re running a video agency and it’s not going as smoothly as they want it to, if they’re looking for growth… Is that funny? You’re laughing at these.

Ryan: No. Yeah.

Rich: I’m just kidding. I’m just kidding. But where can we send those people?

Ryan: Yeah. So, two places. The podcast, it’s called, Grow Your Video Business. And we’ve got like almost 300 episodes. So I don’t know what you call 300 episodes. Is this a sesqua tri-Centennial?

Rich: Do you know what I did…? Well first tell people, and then I’ll tell you what I did for my 300th episode.

Ryan: Yeah. So the Grow Your Video Business podcast, we got 300 episodes also featuring yours truly. Well, not his truly. How do you say that? You, Rich is on an episode.

And then I’ve got a course called The Video Business Academy, that is a paid thing. But I have so many free resources. If you just go to the website, it’s called StudioSherpas.com and there’s tons of great stuff on there. I’ve got a workshop for how to build a six-figure video production business, all sorts of good resources.

Rich: Great. So we’ll have those in the show notes as well. When I got to 300, feel free to steal this idea, I took the poster from the movie 300, and just put my face over what’s his name’s body and promoted that. And then somebody from my office actually took that and blew it up into a life size poster for me, which will never ever see the light of day. But that was how I celebrated 300.

Ryan: That’s amazing. Yeah. I’ve got some homework to do after this episode here.

Rich: All right. Ryan Koral, it was great to have you on the show today. Thanks so much for swinging by.

Ryan: Awesome, Rich. Really appreciate it. This was really fun.

Show Notes: 

Ryan Koral specializes in helping brands and businesses create videos that tell stories and build trust. Head on over to his website for tons of free resources you can use to help you start creating business videos with big ROI. Subscribe to his podcast for even more tips on video creation. And if you really want to dive in, he has a great course to get you started with creating corporate videos.

Rich Brooks is the President of flyte new media, a web design & digital marketing agency in Portland, Maine, and founder of the Agents of Change. He’s passionate about helping small businesses grow online and has put his 20+ years of experience into the book, The Lead Machine: The Small Business Guide to Digital Marketing.