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Mischa Zvegintzov Strategies for Successful Podcast Guest Appearances with Mischa Zvegintzov
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Curious about the untapped potential of podcast guesting to amplify your message and influence? Just as understanding your customer’s needs is crucial for effective copy, guesting on podcasts offers a dynamic platform to reach diverse audiences and establish credibility. Mischa Zvegintzov takes you on an influence tour, so you can use podcast guesting to bolster your online presence and message.

Strategies for Successful Podcast Guest Appearances Summary

Key Takeaways

  • Being a guest on other podcasts generates content you can repurpose, provides branding and SEO value, leads to collaborations, and grows your audience.
  • Look for podcasts that have a slice of your target audience, not just the biggest shows in your niche.
  • Keep pitches simple – ask if they’re looking for guests and propose a relevant topic. Follow up persistently.
  • Prepare thoroughly to be a great guest – research the show, bring energy and serve the audience, have stories ready.
  • Promote your appearances strategically – highlight big name podcasts, but don’t overdo promotion across all shows.

Strategies for Successful Podcast Guest Appearances Episode Transcript

Rich: My guest today is a seasoned sales expert who once retired to teach yoga and be a stay-at-home dad. Now as the founder of the Influence Army and host of Table Rush Talk Show, he helps heart-centered entrepreneurs amplify their message and build influence without costly advertising.

He wonders, are you ready to go on an influence tour? Today, we’re going to be talking about the benefits of being a podcast guest, with Mischa Zvegintzov. Mischa, welcome to the podcast.

Mischa: Rich, thank you so much. I’m so excited to be here. Thank you for having me as a guest.

Rich: My pleasure. And just so we pull back the curtains here, not 30 minutes ago I was just on Mischa’s podcast. So we’re going to put todays into practice right now. What we’re going to learn today, Misha and I are already doing it. So it’s great to see you again today.

So I am curious, what was the best and worst things about teaching yoga? And were you able to pull any lessons from teaching yoga, as you turned your attention to entrepreneurs looking to amplify their message?

Mischa: Oh, my gosh. The best thing about teaching yoga is holding that space. I don’t know if you’ve heard that term, ‘holding space’? You’re hosting a summit here, you’re doing your conferences, and good speakers hold space, right? They hold space. You can feel it. Does that make sense when I say that, ‘holding a space’?

Rich: It does, but I don’t think I could define it. So how would you define it? We’re at a cocktail party having kombucha maybe, because we’re talking about yoga. How would you define ‘holding space’ to somebody who’s not in that space?

Mischa: Yeah, that’s good. Yoga is so powerful because it gives you an opportunity to focus on your breath, first off. To slow down and focus on your breath, and then process emotions as a result of slowing down, focusing on your breath, not being distracted anymore. It creates space for emotions to be processed, is all I could say.

And then when you’re doing all the stretching and stuff, if you believe the theories, who’s the guy who wrote the book, The Body Keeps the Score. I can’t remember, it’s a Danish guy or a Swedish guy. A lot of people believe that we hold stress. We hold life circumstances events. Perhaps you’ve been divorced along the way or failed relationships, or maybe even it’s tense with your kids right now. We can hold that in our joints and our hips and our shoulders and our neck. Heck, we get a stiff neck. You can feel it.

People say, gosh, loosen up, for example. And when you’re stretching and doing those things in yoga, you’re stretching it out and you’re releasing those emotions, oftentimes. And so as a yoga teacher, to be able to hold that space sacredly, you might hear that term, or a safe space for somebody to slow down and perhaps process their emotions and process life. So you get to experience that a lot. You get to see a lot of transformations with people. So that’s one of the coolest things. Did I answer the question?

Rich: Yeah, I think you answered the first half. I think the second part is, what lessons did you take from teaching yoga that you’ve then applied to working with entrepreneurs?

Mischa: Yeah, that’s great, too. And before I answer that, you asked another thing, what was the worst thing about teaching yoga? The worst thing about teaching yoga. So initially, I started teaching yoga. I love yoga. I’ve been doing yoga for 15 years, plus or minus. My father was a huge yogi. I actually grew up in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, skiing, snowboarding, hunting, camping, fishing, all this stuff. And my father was a mountain man to the core. Mountain man, fisherman, tied his own flies, was a ski instructor until the day he died. But he was also this yogi, so it was this very interesting dichotomy.

Cowboy hats, hunting, all this stuff, camping, you’re man’s man. But then he was this super soulful yogi. So had been doing yoga since the 60s or what have you. And being a good kid, being a male A type, strong personality kid, while my father was doing yoga, there was no space for me to do yoga. And I don’t know if you had that experience. Dad’s doing it, I’m not doing it. Family’s doing it, I’m not doing it. Stubborn, rebel, things like that.

So my father was a single father. He basically raised me and my brother. And yoga and meditation and sort of these woo woo things were so powerful for him to help him raise us wild and woolly Wyoming boys, to help him do that, manage that.

And so when he died about 15 years ago, the yoga torch was handed to me. I was cleaning out his effects and I found his yoga routine, and I found his meditation books. And it was in that moment I was like, oh my gosh, I see why he was so deep in that to manage life’s emotions, divorce, the chaos of life.

So fast forward. I love yoga. I have deep roots in yoga, teaching yoga, loving it. And initially I was doing it for free and for fun. Just give me a class to teach. So I’m teaching like mad, probably taught a thousand classes, literally a thousand classes. And one day it shifted from free to fun, to the sort of the politics of the whole thing. Like how many students were in my class. I started getting very competitive with it, my students versus your students, all this stuff. And that was the frustrating part for me.

And it was a long answer to your question, but when that happened for me, I was like, I think I’m going to go back to the student mode versus teaching mode and just be a student. And then what I ring from teaching yoga for today, so many things. So I went to core power yoga, and core power yoga is where I did my teacher training. And they have a framework that’s very powerful and you learn within this framework.

And so things that they drilled into us and taught us were projecting your voice. So voice projection, and then also working the room and then reading the audience or reading the students. And so I bring all that forward. I was naturally very rejected. So I project, I’ve got a powerful voice, and I’ve been in sales for my whole life. Made millions of telemarketing phone calls, door to door, all that stuff.

And in telemarketing days, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, all these mentors I had back in the mid-nineties to early two thousands, they were like, roll your shoulders back, smile when you’re on the phone. Because I was doing a lot of telemarketing, and you carry that energy. And I just got to amplify that in yoga.

So project your voice. You got to make sure that people in the back of the room can hear you. Bring good energy. So the idea of showing up ready to serve, because you’re serving when you’re teaching yoga. So saying that prayer, that mantra to get you in that place of service. And then just working the room. Like you can drop me in a room, and I naturally can just work that room. Does that make sense?

Rich: Absolutely. It’s funny. Some of the parts of your story, including the relationship between you and your father, as well as going from just a passion for yoga to the minutia of yoga, where you lose the joy for it. It actually reminds me of the story from Siddhartha, where he went through a lot of those same things as well. So interesting.

As much as I enjoy philosophy, I think people are tuning in because they want to learn more about digital marketing. So I’m going to shift gently now over to why I asked you to come on, is to talk about why we should be a guest on other people’s podcasts. What do you see as the benefits of being a guest on somebody else’s podcast?

Mischa: Such a great question. There’s six main benefits, and the hidden seventh one, and I’m going to start with the last one. Well, one of the ones that I usually save to the end, I’m going to start with first. And that is creating content and repurposable content.

So video clips are all the rage right now. I’m imagining if you’re listening to this three to four to five years from the date of this recording, that it’s even more. People are going to be telling you more video, put yourself out there so people can get to know you and know who you are, or know that AI avatar, whatever it is.

But this video, this interview right here, I can take this audio. You’ve graciously let me record this. And I’m going to be able to chop this up into 20 clips or so. There’s AI tech, Opus.pro, that will expedite that process, and I’ll have a full month’s worth of content if I want to. So opportunity to repurpose content, reels, posts, shorts, Facebook, all that stuff. So that’s one.

Number two is the literal call to action. So at the end of this, you’re going to say, Hey, Misha, where can my audience find you? So I’m going to say, go to badzuck.com, go to badzuck.com, B A D Z U C K dot com. And you can jump on the waitlist for my Influence Army. So the next time I open the doors to teach people how to guest speak on podcasts, you’ll be the first to know. And you can jump in and then I can say, “Hey, go to LinkedIn. I’m all in on LinkedIn right now.” Thanks to you. Actually, you helped me with that a little bit. Thank you, Rich. But I can say, Hey, go to linkedin.com. My handle’s Mischa Z. M I S H A Z. So there’s the literal call to action.

The host sometimes, this is number three, will sometimes direct recommend you to somebody. So I’m speaking on podcasts all the time. Inevitably, somebody goes, “Oh my gosh, Mischa, I know somebody who needs your help.” Great. So you’ll perhaps make an introduction. I’ve had hosts, this is number four, say, “Mischa, I need your services. I want to go on a podcast tour, help me go on a podcast tour. I want to amplify my voice. I want to increase my impact, my authority, my income, without spending more money on Facebook ads.”

Number five, the collaboration opportunities. So you have your summit coming up, or by the time this airs, maybe it’s already gone off. It’s a chance that you go, “Oh my gosh, Mischa, you brought great value. You have great energy. You answer the questions. Man, I’d love to have you on my summit next year.” Collaboration opportunities. I’m going to be doing a masterclass here shortly. There’s a great chance that you go, “Oh my gosh, Misha, the people on my list need to know how to get on podcasts. I’d love to share your masterclass with my audience.” So you have these collaboration opportunities.

We already talked about the repurposing content, which I’d ruled in the number one. The next one, because I’ve lost track of the numbers, is branding. So with what you do at flyte new media, you’re working on a lot of branding, SEO content, long lasting content. But just branding itself, we’re elevating our brand. The more podcasts I’m speaking on, I’m just elevating the Mischa amazingness, right? People are more likely to go, “Oh my gosh, Mischa, I’ve heard of you somewhere” or somebody’s heard of me. So the brand elevation, obviously the SEO value for long term content, long lasting content.

And then lastly, the bonus seventh is the transformation of who we become after we go on what I like to call an ‘influence tour’, which all starts by guest speaking on podcasts. If you go guest speak on 30 podcasts, you are going to be a different person from the beginning to the end.

Rich: Excellent. Hey, can I throw in an extra bonus one? Because one of my favorite reasons to get on other people’s podcasts is the SEO benefits. Because as long as they have show notes, they’ll link off from their website to my website. And so that gives me another opportunity to increase my search visibility and drive more traffic to my website.

Mischa: I’m adding that to the list right now.

Rich: Good for you. You own that.

Mischa: Yes, SEO content. Go listen to the Agents of Change podcast, episode number blank with me, for validation.

Rich: Mischa, it sounds like you’re very purposeful when you do these podcast tours and when you look for opportunities. How do you know which podcast you should appear on? What kind of research do you do?

Mischa: Yeah, that’s another great question. So inevitably, I think at the start when I talk to people, they automatically think of, I need to be on guest on Joe Rogan. Or if you’re a marketer, I need to be on all the marketing podcasts. So people, they myopically think of the biggest podcast only, and that it has to be on what they talk about. So if you’re a coach, you’re like I’m going to go talk on coaching podcasts, but really we’re looking for that Venn diagram intersection of the perfect audience, right?

So almost every podcaster, there’s so many more podcasts that we can think of that actually have a slice of our audience. So I’m talking about marketing and influence and amplifying your voice and putting yourself out there, lead gen, all these kinds of things, right? So there’s coaching podcasts I could speak on, there’s entrepreneur podcasts I could speak on. We could go down the list. My mind is blanking a little bit. But there’s education podcasts, there’s book podcasts or author podcasts. They need to know how to go on podcast tour. Think about I love tech, I love AI, I love new companies.

So you’ve got podcasts that speak to those new companies, founder companies, what’s going on there. A lot of those guys need to know how to go on podcast tours and would be served by hearing my message. So if you start thinking about all the different slices of podcasts that have your audience, just a slice, we just need a sliver, it opens up a world. Would you agree?

Rich: I would agree. And it reminds me of some of how I approach getting on podcasts, but also getting speaking gigs. If there’s an industry opportunity, like doing a marketing presentation at Social Media Marketing World, of course I’m going to jump at it. Those are my people and I love being part of that community. But if I can get in front of a bunch of manufacturers, or a bunch of dentists, and I’m the only one talking about digital marketing, that’s a whole different opportunity for me.

So I think you’re right. If you go on a podcast, that’s the audience’s authors, and they’ve heard about how to publish, how to get on Amazon, how to get your first book deal. And then you’re the only one talking about how to do a podcast tour. Suddenly you are the podcast tour expert. So I think that’s a great approach to looking at it.

I am curious to know, I don’t know if it’s official research, but where are you looking to find these podcasts where you’re like, I think this would be a good fit for me or a good fit for one of my clients?

Mischa: Great question. And before I answer that, I want to close the loop on one outstanding little thing, size of podcasts. So of course we all want to speak on Joe Rogan’s podcasts or any of the massive names out there. I love to ask people, if I could give you a stage and you could speak to 10 people that would be interested in what you have to offer and how you can help them, would that be of interest to you? And inevitably, everyone says ‘yes’.  So I think size of podcast, we’ve got to let that go. If you have a podcast that has a captive audience of 50 people, and you can speak directly to those people, it is so powerful. So I think let go of the size of the podcast and just get on some podcasts.

How do you find them? So a simple Google search is a great way to start. Podcasts on marketing, podcasts on manufacturing, we could go down the manufacturing vein. That’s a great way to go. Searching on Apple podcasts. So just open up your Apple podcast app and put in whatever your area of interest is or whatever audience you think you want to speak to.

So coaches need to know how to go on a podcast, health coaches, mindset coaches, business coaches, biz ops coaches. Any coach needs to know how to go on a podcast tour to get their message out there and to speak better, to refine their message. But if I put ‘coaching’ in Apple podcasts, I’m going to get a whole bunch. If I go ‘marketing’ or ‘coaching on marketing’ or what have you, it’s a great way to go. Then when you listen, if I listen to your podcast, Agents of Change, and I scroll down, it’s going to say, ‘like podcasts’. So now you’ve got a whole other vein.

This is all basic, simple, standard stuff. Here’s the secret sauce. This is the best thing to do, and you probably do this and can speak to this. So if I look at all the speakers on your podcast for all the people that you have interviewed, great chance some of them have their own podcast. So I can hack your speaker list. You also are throwing a summit. I interviewed you about your summit, about what you do and how you help people. And when I was looking at your speaker lineup, I literally did a screenshot of your speaker lineup because I can look at those speakers and go, John Lee Dumas has a podcast. Yep. Blankety blank has a podcast. Yep. They have a blog. They have a show. They have whatever. And now I can start reaching out to them. So I love to hack other people’s lists or recon. Am I saying that right? Does that make sense?

Rich: Yeah, no, absolutely. So let’s say we’ve got our list now and we want to start pitching ourselves, but maybe we haven’t done a lot of other podcasts. Maybe we’re just getting started in this. How do we pitch ourselves in a way that we’re going to be attractive as guests to these podcasts?

Mischa: Yeah, great question. So I like to keep it simple. Somebody listening to this right now could have never spoke on a podcast before, and they go, “Yep, found some podcasts to speak on. I’m going to do it”. That simple template that I use all the time. Sometimes I’m more creative with a, “Hey, this is my name. Here’s my resume. Here’s what I bring. Here’s what I want to speak about. Here’s how I can serve your audience.”

The simplest thing to do that is guaranteed to work that I do all the time, simplest script in the world. “Hey, Rich. I found your Agents of Change podcast. You have a great show. Are you looking for interesting guests?” Hit ‘send’, one out of 10 is going to reply back, “Yes, I am.” And then I’ll say, fantastic. It’s me, or I can go, Oh, what’s Rich’s podcast about? And then I’ll go, oh, I’ll create a topic idea for you and send you some talking points. So I’ll customize it from that point on.

So mindset, I haven’t looked at your podcast speaking list, but assuming you have a mindset person on there now. And then if I was a mindset coach that had never spoken on a podcast, I can send you that email, “Hey, love your podcast. Are you looking for interesting guests.” You say, ‘yes’. I reply back, “Fantastic. I love to talk about mindset. I see you’re on marketing. Here’s what we could talk about. Here’s the bullet points. And I gave you a five-star review.”

Rich: All right. So with over 500 episodes of my own podcast I honestly get pitched, no exaggeration, at least a hundred times a month by people. I’m sure other podcasters find themselves in a similar situation. If you’re trying to get on one of those podcasts, is that too far reach, or are there secrets beyond what you just shared with us, of ways of breaking through to get on podcasts like that?

Mischa: Yeah. Timing’s everything. I was in sales making millions of telemarketing phone calls, built telemarketing teams, sent out massive flyer campaigns, gone door to door. A lot of times it’s timing, adding value, persistence, follow up. There will be a window where you need a speaker on the fly, perhaps, if you don’t know me or I catch you at the right time where I say, “Are you looking for interesting guests?” And you say, “Yes”. And then I bring an idea that you actually go, “Yeah, I would like to share that.” So there’s a lot of timing.

And then I would say, you just told me you’ve had hundreds of guests on your show, or you get pitched hundreds of times, so how did Misha filter through the madness. I just followed up. And then I sent you the request. I got some auto reply back, I think.

Rich: I probably sent you an auto reply. That’s the only way that I can stay sane, is to send potential guests through my VA, and then she vets the first round for me. And so then I only have to look at maybe five to six a week, and that feels a lot more manageable to me. And she knows what I’m looking for in guests and topics.

Mischa: Absolutely. And in your particular case, the auto reply. I went to your website, I saw that you had a call for speakers for your summit. So I applied for the call for speakers. My main goal was to get on your podcast, but I was like, oh, man, if I could get on your summit, that would be amazing too. We had a great conversation. Sadly, I’m not speaking on this round of your summit.

Rich: Now you’re just making me feel bad, Mischa.

Mischa: No, it’s okay. I am so grateful to be here. But you very graciously said, let’s have you come on my podcast. And we did a podcast swap, too.

So I’ll give you some other secrets. I have a podcast. A lot of times when you’re sending out requests to speak on podcasts you’ll get, “We’d love to have you. There’s a $500 fee.” Well, I’ve got my own podcast. So I’ll say, how about in lieu of the podcast guest speaking fee or production fee or call it what you will, why don’t we do a podcast swap? So I’m constantly doing episode swaps.

So anybody listening, start a podcast, and then you can start offering episode swaps, which is a great tactic to do. When somebody says ‘no’, that’s an opportunity for a re-pitch. That’s another little secret for you. So I’m actually hoping people say ‘no’ sometimes so I can literally reply back with what they said.

So you would say, “Nope, all booked up for the year.” I’d replied back, “Thank you for your quick response. I see that you’re all booked up for the year. Would you like to be a guest on my show?” And bam, I’m finding it’s a great way to build relationships that way for sure. I think I’ve gone down a rabbit hole, but I had a whole bunch of other…

Rich: No, I think you definitely answered the question the right way. And it was from our interview as you as a potential speaker at the summit, that got me to connect with you in a way that you wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. And I realized you had some really good content, and it was something worth exploring for you. And that’s when I said, I’ve run out of room for the summit, but I’d love to have you as a podcast guest, because I think you’ve got good content to share.

And I think you’re right. When you say sometimes it’s timing, this is a lesson that I learned early on in my sales days. Is that 95% of the time, if not more, when people say ‘no’ to you, it has nothing to do with you. It’s because of what’s going on in their own life. So yes, timing sometimes works for you, but you also have to recognize more often than not, it works against you. So maybe you just circle back around in three months, six months, a year, whatever, and the timing might be right then.

Mischa: Absolutely. And I’ll give you one more answer to your question. So practically, I will create a podcast episode if there’s a podcast idea for a host. So if there’s a podcast I really want to speak on, I will craft a pitch that says, “Hey, love your show. Here’s the topic idea. Here’s the bullet points. See the attached five-star review.” Because in the podcast world, five-star reviews with a written review are very powerful for what we do. And so I’ve skipped the line, skipped the queue.

So for me, I help people build influence, generate leads by guest speaking on podcasts, all the benefits that we talked about. If somebody is more operationally based, so they’re teaching you website tactics, for example, you need people. If you’re teaching website tactics, how to build it, your people that you’re building for or teaching how to build those websites need to know how to get people there. So if you’re in funnel land creating funnels and trying to sell something, you need traffic. So you teach people how to do SEO, things like that. Podcast tours are a great way to go.

So I can tactically go, that biz operations person that teaches biz ops needs a guy like me on their show so that their audience can learn how to drive traffic. Does that make sense? So then I’ll customize a pitch for that show, and that’s a great way to jump the queue. I’ve literally got, oh my gosh, I have 50 other people in front of you, but I need you on my show now.

Rich: All right. Let’s say we get on these shows. What can we do to become a memorable guest?

Mischa: Yeah, that’s a great question. I like to do at least a little bit of research and find out who I’m talking to, so I can speak to your audience better. But the key thing, one of the key things is showing up with good energy, showing with an attitude to serve. How can I provide value to your audience? That’s what I’m constantly thinking about.

So before I even get on this podcast, before I got on this podcast today, I get my chair that forces me to sit up, roll my shoulders back and enunciate, and open my diaphragm so that I sound good, I look good, I got my gear, I got my headset. And I say a prayer, “Hey God, how can I serve? What can I bring to the table? How can I serve Rich’s audience?” So to get into the right mindset. And then I have my stories in line, so I have a framework. It’s called My Story Bank, Get Your Stories Together Framework. So you can tell the right stories at the right time to serve the audience. So I’ve got a story bank of stories to help answer your questions. Hopefully, I’ve told stories on this episode. Did I answer your question?

Rich: Yes, absolutely. So I’m also thinking about what kind of tangible benefits to ourselves can we get when we’re on a podcast? So I’m curious, when you or any of your clients are looking to get on a podcast, are you trying to, at the end, get people to visit your website, to download a white paper and get on your email list? How strong should your call to action be, or is that not the goal?

Mischa: Yeah, that’s a great question. Generally speaking, I’m always thinking, build my email list. And we talked about that when I interviewed you, the power of the email list in the business world these days. The email list that we have of our customers is where the power is, generally speaking. And you’ll see businesses that are sold. It’s because of their email list or their contact list.

When Facebook buys Instagram, I’m dating myself, whatever it was 10, 15 years ago, it was because of their, in effect, contact list or user base. Or WhatsApp gets bought for $15 billion at the time, which seemed insane, because of their list. So I like to have a call to action, go to badzook.com, or you could say, “Go to guestingguide.com. It’s my guide to teach you how to execute a profitable and successful podcast tour.” You got to opt in for my free thing, I get your email. Some people just want to build their brand and so they’re like, “Go to LinkedIn…”

Rich: And then when the podcast is over, what do you feel we should do in terms of promoting our own appearance on somebody else’s show? Especially if we’re on this roadshow, this tour that you’ve discussed, and we’ve done 30 shows in 30 days and we don’t necessarily want to say 30 days in a row on LinkedIn or Facebook, “I was on this podcast.” Especially if the content is similar, how do you decide what you’re going to promote and how much you’re going to promote it when you’re on somebody else’s podcast?

Mischa: That’s another great question.

Rich: I’m on a roll. These are all great questions! No, I’m just kidding.

Mischa: Rich. Wow, man. So right now I try not to overthink things as much as possible. I’m like, don’t overthink. Good is more than good enough. The best is the enemy of more than good enough. That’s my new mantra of late.

So this episode, I’ll make 20 clips of this that are more than good enough. In the description of the clips, when I post them across social media land, it’s going to reference your episode, so it will be promoting it, right? So at a minimum, I’m just doing that. And then also I have an email list, so I’ll send out an email to my email list. And just don’t overthink it.

And then there’s so many things you can do as well, depending on your timing and bandwidth and things like that. Like I could have done a post, “I’m just about to go on Rich’s podcast. I can’t wait. Agents of Change, you should listen to it.” Hopefully, I answered your question again. Sometimes you lose track.

Rich: For me, I think there are certain podcasts that,, of course I’m going to promote because it raises my profile just by saying I’m on Entrepreneurs on Fire, or whatever the podcast may be. And then there’s others where maybe somebody’s just getting started out and they ask me to be on their podcast, and it’s the right moment in time. Timing is everything. I may not promote that one as heavily, or I’ll just post it to, I really don’t post to Twitter anymore, but back when I did, Twitter’s a nice place to just help somebody out by pushing something over there.

So I do think that there has to be that balance, because if all you’re doing on social media is talking about all the podcasts you’ve been on, that’s not exactly the most compelling content either. It does have to be a balance.

So as we wrap up here, I’m curious where can people go online to learn more about you, and what is your call to action for us all, Mischa?

Mischa: Yeah. We’ve talked a lot about guest speaking on podcasts, so everybody can go to guestingguide.com. It’s got the 10 most asked questions about going on a podcast guest speaking tour. So go to guesting guide.com. It’ll give you all the answers to your questions. And literally you download that, you can start executing a profitable and successful podcast tour and start putting yourself out there. It’s free. All you have to do is give me your email. And there you go.

Rich: All right. And we’ll have all those links in the show notes as always, giving me a little SEO love as well. Mischa, great to see you twice in one day. Just fantastic. Thank you so much for coming over and sharing your expertise.

Mischa: Thank you, Rich, kind of fun.


Show Notes:

Mischa Zvegintzov is passionate about teacher his client how to use podcast guest speaking to grow their business and amplify their message. Be sure to grab his FREE podcast guesting guide, so you can start your podcast tour today!


Rich Brooks is the President of flyte new media, a web design & digital marketing agency in Portland, Maine, and founder of the Agents of Change. He’s passionate about helping small businesses grow online and has put his 25+ years of experience into the book, The Lead Machine: The Small Business Guide to Digital Marketing.