Facebook has an incredible global reach of more than 1 billion active users, so it makes perfect sense why businesses – both large and small – are flocking to Facebook Advertising to reach their audiences. With a variety of platforms and options to choose from, Facebook makes it almost too easy to target exactly the […]


Building an audience to ensure your podcast is successful is a no brainer. But how you choose to go about that can make all the difference between getting a few random downloads or getting a dedicated audience of listeners waiting with baited breath for each new episode that they loyally download and listen to from […]


Hopefully by now we all know that Pinterest is more than wedding dresses, cupcakes and DIY projects. It can actually be a pretty powerful marketing tool used to drive business, if you follow a few key tips. Like with any platform, you should never just throw money behind a campaign for promotion unless organically it’s […]


Most businesses come up with all of their products and services first, and then go out and try to market them. But what about developing those things with your audience, in a collaborative fashion? Sort of like taking a “find them first and see what they need” approach. The key to any good marketing strategy […]


You’ve got yourself a website and a blog, but how do you get people to notice you? You can’t just post a few blog entries, sit back, and wait for the traffic to come. So how do you get noticed, find an audience and keep them? There’s more to content creation than just writing a […]


You cannot truly learn anything until you have to teach it to somebody else. And with so many platforms out there – blogs, podcasts, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, etc – how do you find the most effective way to reach and advertise to your audience? But more important than knowing where your audience hangs out, you […]


When Snapchat first came on the scene, it was widely known as the “sexting platform”, where teens and millennials ruled the demographic. But like many social media platforms, marketers began to see it’s potential for businesses as a powerful marketing tool, making it the fastest growing social network to date. One of the aspects that […]


Creating customer loyalty is the very backbone of many small businesses. But creating customer loyalty doesn’t just happen overnight, sometimes your customers need a little nudge to encourage them to keep coming back. And what better way to encourage them than by making it as easy for them as possible. The key is in connecting […]


To describe a webinar as an “effective tool” would be a huge understatement. They allow you to reach, teach and sell products and services to your target audience in one fell swoop. Webinars provide a vast number of benefits all with the same goal; to boost, support and build your business. They allow you to […]


You’ve just created a website, or maybe your latest blogpost, and you need some visuals to go with it to help grab your audience. But where do you look? Sure, there are billions of photos and graphics online, but how do you choose the best one, and what are the legal ramifications of using those […]