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Supporting image for How to Build Your Email List with Your Best Prospects – Teresa Heath-Wareing
How to Build Your Email List with Your Best Prospects – Teresa Heath-Wareing
The Agents of Change

What is an effective email marketing campaign? By now I think we all know that it’s not measured simply by the number of emails we send out, but rather the quality of those emails. So what’s the key to sending emails that get opened and convert to leads and sales?

Today we talk with Teresa Heath-Wareing, host of the Marketing That Converts podcast, as she helps us work through our frustrations with the constant changes in digital marketing and social media, and shares insightful, easy, and actionable steps that anyone can use to help grow their business.

Rich: My guest today is an award-winning international speaker, TEDx speaker, trainer, podcaster, and business owner. She works with business owners and entrepreneurs to create a business and life they love through effective marketing. She is recognized alongside some of the world’s social media and digital marketing thought leaders and is widely regarded as one of the UK’s leading marketing influencers.

She has spent the last 17 years in marketing, working with international brands such as Land Rover, Jaguar, Right Move, and Lead Pages. She speaks and trains entrepreneurs all over the world and through her online membership, the Marketing That Converts Academy. She hosts a popular weekly podcast called Marketing that Converts, and has interviewed the likes of Amy Porterfield, Pat Flynn, Michael Hyatt, Jasmine Star, James Wedmore, and Mike Stelzner.

Today, we’re going to be improving our email marketing with Teresa Heath-Wareing. Teresa, welcome to the podcast.

Teresa: Thank you so much for having me, Rich. I’m very excited to be here.

Rich: Teresa’s laughing because through the power of editing, you’re not going to hear these 17 takes it took me to get to this moment in time.

Teresa: I never knew my bio was so tricky.

Rich: You wrote it in English, too. I don’t know why I had so much problem with it. Teresa, I’m just curious, how did you get started in marketing?

Teresa: So, this is a really long time ago. I used to be a nurse. I used to look after children, which is kind of ironic, because I really am not keen on them anymore. But I can just about manage my own, but other than that, I’m done.

And I decided I wanted to go to Uni because, I don’t know, I just felt like I wanted to. And I went into marketing at Uni and got my degree in it. And then spent 10 plus years working for all different companies, all different levels. Because you know when you do something at Uni and then you’re like, “Oh, now I’m qualified. I’m going to go do marketing.” And what I went and did was probably like send faxes and frank letters, nothing that I learned at Uni. Because in reality, it’s nothing like you learn at Uni. And I did all sorts of marketing and loved it.

And then I joke that about 7-ish years ago I went through an early midlife crisis, where my husband and I at the time had split up and I’m on my own with my four year old daughter. And although I liked my job, I was head of marketing for an agency, I just wasn’t totally happy. So I decided I’m just going to get another job. I handed my notice in, because that’s a sensible thing to do before you have a job. I decided to get another job, no job was coming. I started to get a bit panicky. I’ve got no husband, no rich family. I’ve got family, they’re not rich, no savings. And I thought, I know the sensible option to do right now is to leave that well-paid job and start your own business, having never, ever wanted a business in your entire life. So I did, and I started off as like a marketing consultant and a social media person, built up an agency. And then about four years ago, I decided that I quite liked the look of this online world and the ability to travel and speak and all that good stuff. So I transitioned slowly into having an online business.

Rich: Excellent. All right. Now we’re going to be talking about email marketing today, but honestly, with all the tools that social media platforms give us to message our prospects and our customers, do you still feel that email marketing is valuable and worth talking about?

Teresa: Do you know what, this is something that comes up all the time. Because back in the day, you know, 10 years ago, there wasn’t any of this. There wasn’t all this stuff that we had now. And email marketing was one of the only things we could really use. But I think. it kind of lost its way a little bit, but it’s really kind of come back. I think email marketing now is not what it was. It’s not about sending a newsletter once a month and saying, ‘buy my stuff’. It’s another communication tool. How we use it is different. We have it on our phones. We look at it all the time, so it’s not like it was.

But the thing that I always talk about is that with all these social media platforms, and we are so aware of the fact that they can make any change at any point and ruin our business. Or if you’ve built your business solely on Instagram, I in fact have a really good example of a terrible story of someone that I used to work with who had an Instagram account. She’d built up 200 and something plays and followers. She was getting all of her business through it, and someone hacked her account and wiped it. Like, overnight gone. Could you imagine? She came to me in the biggest state ever. She’d contacted Instagram and they didn’t do anything. You know, it wasn’t big for them. So that’s why having that email list is so important.

Also there’s so many stats about the fact of how much sales, like for every dollar you invest in it, you get so much back because it’s so good. And for me, I think why I really love social media is the fact that I can reach people that don’t know I exist and get in front of people that don’t know I exist. But where I have all the conversations, where I have the real deep, meaningful stuff is in the emails. And I’m a big encourager of ‘email me back’. And no matter how busy I am, my team will leave those emails there and I will reply to them again. It’s a two-way conversation, and email is no longer just a ‘buy my thing’, it’s a ‘you’re part of my community’. So I think it’s so important in our marketing.

Rich: All right. So you’re really treating it as a very distinct channel for engaging people who already know you, who already like you, like what you have to offer. So it’s really that trust building more than anything else.

Teresa: Yeah, absolutely. And it has to be the sales button. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a natural seller, I’m not keen on doing all the sales emails. But I send three emails a week and I have an academy that opens twice a year for about five days. So for 10 days a year, I’ll be selling that thing. I sell other things, but for me, it’s add value, add value, add value, add value, have a conversation, tell a story.

The ones that get the most traction for me are, if I tell them I talked a while back about my transition from agency to online business and how basically that Christmas I remember being on the phone with some friends and being like, “I don’t know how I’m going to pay my credit card bill and buy the Christmas presents.” And that was literally four or five years ago because I took this big risk. And that’s the kind of stuff that, for me, it’s really intimate. It’s like me sending that to them and them coming back to me going, “Teresa, I am right where you were, and I was losing faith. And thank you so much for telling me these things.”

So I’ve always seen it as its channel of its own. Like you might see some of the stuff on social media, you might see some of the stuff on a podcast. I might occasionally mention the podcast. But to be honest, what goes in the emails is just written for itself, really. Not a kind of, okay, we’ve done a podcast and I listened to the email about podcasts we’ve just had.

Rich: Right. So I’m kind of curious. This was not one of my questions, but you are very personable. The minute we got on our call today, you and I just started talking like we’re old friends and I think that’s one of your natural skills, right? Even your voice. I just want to listen to it, and I want to talk, so that I get more back. And I’m guessing that your writing is very similar. Not everybody is a solopreneur like you. So what might be an approach that, for a small to medium sized business where it’s not just one person?

In fact, so I’m thinking, I wrote our own emails for 20 something years but now I’ve got a team, and I’m trying to empower everybody. So I’ve got somebody else doing a lot of the writing. Do I just basically hand over the reins to her and let her personality shine through? Or is there a different approach when you’re working with small businesses that might have multiple people working, or it’s not just about one person’s voice?

Teresa: That’s such a good point. And yeah, it has to get to that point in many cases. Like that’s still one thing I very much hold onto, but you don’t know what’s coming. I think for me, the reason I give so much of my personality and my voice and my life, is because I am my customer. So most of my audience are very similar to me, or want to be where I am, or trying to build a business similar, not necessarily even similar, but trying to build in a business. They’re often running families and homes and looking after parents, and I attract people who are very similar to me. So it’s very easy for me to go, here’s my personality, here are my thoughts, my stories, because they can resonate with them because they’re similar.

When it’s a case of, it’s not one person and it’s not a solo brand that you’re trying to promote or someone else’s writing the emails, I think it’s still really important to show the personal side and show the story side. But instead of focusing on the person that’s writing them, focus on the person you’re sending it to. So like I said, it’s really easy for me because I am very similar to the people I’m sending it to. So for your case, it’s how can I talk to my customers in a way that goes, “I get that. I get what you’re saying. I understand you. And here’s a story to show you I understand you.” It’s not quite as strategic as that, but I’m going to tell a story that basically says we worked with these people who felt like this or did this thing. Or in our journey, one of our team did this thing.

So I think if it’s not you and you’re not your customer, it’s really easy for me to do that. But if it’s not, then you really need to think about the person on the other end and the person on the other end needs to read it and go, ”Ooh, that’s me. Oh, you’ve just literally read my mind.” That’s what you’re hoping for, anyway. Because if someone reads my emails and I’ve talked about facts like it’s coming to some holidays, like obviously just not long ago and how am I going to manage some holidays with the children, and the work this and that and the other. If someone’s like, “Oh, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” They’re not going to resonate with it. And that’s fine. But the people who are my audience do because they are in a very similar situation.

Rich: All right. So I’m going to continue to go off book here and I’m going to turn this into my own personal therapy session. I should be paying you money for this.

So you kind of had a dig about like the podcast email that so many of us send out, “Here’s this week’s podcast.” I know you probably already subscribed. So this is just like telling you, don’t forget to listen, but yeah. What would you do instead? So because that I do write, and it’s still coming from me. But I’ll be honest, it’s short. It would say something like, “Hey, do you ever struggle with building up your email list? Well, I’ve got a great guest who’s going to talk to you about how to build up your email list this week. Don’t forget to subscribe”, and then some funny tagline under my name. Literally the same thing every week. So if you’re me, what might I do better next time that would start to build better rapport with my audience?

Teresa: So first off, there’s nothing wrong with saying, “I’ve got a podcast, go listen to it”. And I think sometimes in my storytelling, I almost forget sometimes to remind them of some of the key things like, ‘buy the product’ or ‘listen to the thing’. So I think that is important.

I think for me, it’s like, what’s the value add for them? So at the moment they’re getting an email that goes, ‘This podcast is talking about this. You’ll learn that.’ That is a bit of a value add that it’s telling me. But actually for me, actually, I would rather you shared a story around why it was so good or why actually you came into it thinking one thing, and then they changed your mind into something else. Or actually, “They said this, and I couldn’t agree more, because back when I was working…” It takes a bit more work, and I know some people will, I know one site guys, they email every day, and they say it takes five minutes. It doesn’t take five minutes. Like my emails, I batch them. I write three in one go, because I normally talk through a theme of the week.

Rich: Wait, so you send three emails a week to your list?

Teresa: I send three emails a week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Yeah. And I will write all three at once, and I reckon it probably takes me an hour, hour and a half I would say, to write those properly. But I do it as if I am talking to someone because I’m not a keen writer. I don’t actually like writing very much. So the only way I can do it is by thinking I’m telling a story or thinking that I’m like, “Hey, so, and so”, and I literally think if I was going to say that to them, how would I say it? So by doing what I’m saying, in terms of turning it more into a story or more into taking me down a bit of a rabbit hole, that attracts me more to read what you’re saying.

Because if you say we’re doing this podcast about emails and they think, I know everything I need to know about emails. Or you go on and say, “So we did this podcast with this woman from the UK who talked about these things. And to be honest, something she said made me think, ‘Oh gosh, I do that in my emails, and now I need to rethink it’.” Then the intrigue might make them go, oh, what is that thing? I should check that.

So I think sometimes it’s just kind of having a bit more behind it. But that’s going to take you longer. Like realistically, of course it is. To think about, what am I going to say? If I say, oh, why was that interesting or different, or what was the shocking thing or the interesting thing, or you can’t miss this because actually this blew my mind.

Rich: So, yeah, although that can certainly be overused, that last one, but I do hear what you’re saying. And I’m a huge fan of that curiosity gap when it comes to emails. And I also think something that I sometimes tell my team, more on not email marketing as much as just email communication, that especially for difficult conversations or really important conversations – critical conversations, I think some people call them – is it could take you a hour to write a three sentence email. So, I’m almost thinking spend more time on this email, that email could be so critical to convincing somebody. No, it’s not our 17th episode on email marketing, but my guest almost convinced me not to send this email. Something like that just to get them, to pull them in.

Teresa: Yeah. Perfect. And like you said, it’s going to take a bit more time. And I get generally frustrated in the online world of how easy everybody thinks things are. You know, it’s funny when we were talking, I was thinking often people go with results. They’ll go with, especially the podcast episodes, ‘how so-and-so did six figures in three minutes with only using one tweet’. Like people think that’s really attractive and really amazing. But whenever – not that I’ve ever sent an email like that – but whenever I’ve sent an email that talks about the success of one of my members or someone achieving something or how brilliant that was, I don’t get anything back. When I tell them I was crying down the phone to my friend because I thought I couldn’t buy Christmas presents for my daughter and I’m too proud to say to my husband, because he put his entire faith in me, like that got all the responses because it’s real. And I think that’s the thing, isn’t it? I think we need to see the realness of it.

Rich: Absolutely. And like you said earlier, you are your ideal customer, so you know what resonates with you. There is obviously an audience out there that wants to hear about how somebody’s increased their SEO rankings in three days by just changing one word. Obviously, that’s going to get opens too. But again, I don’t necessarily speak to that audience. Because I also started basically working out of my bedroom 24 years ago, and I built things up and it took a long time. So I think people also want to hear those kinds of stories, too. And I’m a big fan of you speak to the people who things resonate with, and you don’t worry about the other people.

Teresa: Exactly. I won’t attract those people who want the five secrets to creating a six figure business in three minutes. They are not my people.

Rich: Right. Yeah, by the way, if anybody’s listening to this and they’re planning on pitching me for the podcast, the fastest way to get into my trash is to tell me how you went from zero to six figures in X number of months. That is never the story I tell on this podcast. I’m literally just trying to find people I like talking to about ways that you can reach your ideal customers. And then it’s up to. It’s all aspirational, tactical, stuff like that.

All right. Speaking of which, we should probably talk about email marketing at some point. So let’s say a lot of people either have not really invested in their email marketing, maybe because they were chasing the shiny ball of social media or they had an email list, but it kind of stagnated. So we all know that we want more qualified people in our subscriber base. So what should we think about doing to really start to build our email list with qualified subscribers?

Teresa: Yeah, I love that you say ‘qualified’, because I think in this world of business, ego plays a huge part. How big is your list? Well, I don’t care. If you had a list of 20,000 people and none of them paid attention or open the email, then it’s pointless. So the fact that they’re the right people are so important. And I’m also a fan of kind of gently doing things. So this isn’t a quick win. You’re not going to do this tomorrow and suddenly get 5,000 people on your email list. But basically doing some kind of lead magnet. I know you might be sitting there thinking, “Oh Jesus, this all she’s talking about”, but it’s about doing it with quality and targeting and understanding your audience. It’s about putting together something, knowing your customer so well and putting something together that is genuinely going to help them at that time of need.

I think, I don’t know about you, but I need to get a hobby. I basically download lead magnets for living. Like I just go and get into anybody’s funnels, look at what they’re doing and the stuff that you’re like, this sounds good, oh, this is interesting. And you download it and you’re like, what was the point of that? It was rubbish. It was terrible. It was like almost catfishing you. So it’s about doing something that’s really good and giving something away that they genuinely want.

So the very first lead magnet I did, I was moving over from the agency, and I thought I would start supporting social media managers. As it is now, I support lots of businesses. But I had this checklist that I used in my business that meant we did a lot of proactive stuff on social media, which lots of people didn’t do. It also meant that I could make my team really targeted at that time. So rather than just saying to my team, oh, can you retweet some stuff? And then this is how this happened. I watched one of my team literally scrolling through Twitter, “Oh, this is funny. This is funny.” And I’m thinking, we just retweet the things. Like I made it really specific. And then that was one of the reasons I could charge a bit more and we could save a bit more time.

So I sat looking at this checklist, thinking this is the thing that sets me apart from lots of other social media managers. I’m not seriously going to think of giving this away. And I thought, you know what, if you’re serious, if you want them as your audience, that will help them. You know it will because you’ve done it. And I did, and it was one of my best ever lead magnets. Like I put a bit of money behind it on Facebook ads and I got 800 people on my list within a number of weeks. I’ve never been able to repeat that, FYI. I obviously hit on an amazing fluke at that point. But the point was, I had the bright people on because I gave them what they wanted, and they trusted me.

Because that’s the thing, you might get them on your list, but if you’re not delivering something good and you’re not providing them with the answer they thought they were going to get, then they’re pointless on your list because they’ve opened your thing and thought, well, that was pointless. And then they get irritated by your emails. So it’s about finding the thing that they really, really need help with, and making it as simple as possible. Again, people want to go down the route of here’s a 50 page eBook or here’s a… no, no, no, no. Everyone wants a quick win. We know there’s no quick wins. We know there’s no magic button that you press and suddenly you get 10,000 Instagram followers. But they want that.

So keeping it simple, keeping it very small steps, giving them just a couple of really quick wins that they can make delivering the thing that they want. And I think for me, I now have lots of lead magnets out there doing lots of different things. So that’s the other thing because I know my audience are complex. There are parts of their life where they want to work on mindset, or they want to work on building their email list or they’re still doing their social media. So I’ve created various different lead magnets that might address various different problems. And very gradually, through no advertising or anything like that, getting people on my list every single day. Because I’m meeting their needs and I’m showing up and I’m going, there is this thing that can help you if you want this thing. And it feels a bit old school, it feels a bit like, oh, is that it? Is that the secret? But it works. But the secret is do it well. Don’t try and do it as a tactic.

Rich: I would say do it. There’s no doubt about that. But the other thing that I’m hearing that you’re doing is, you’re not putting all your eggs in one basket. So you’ve got that one that killed, but you’ve got all these other ones as well. And this is one of the things that I tell my clients all the time. It’s not one blog post, one email newsletter, one tweet, that is going to change your business. I know there’s some story out there about it happening to somebody else. It ain’t happening to you. And what it is, is about consistently showing up with something of value or interest to your audience, but you got to keep doing it.

I always say it was about my 800th tweet that was something just about my day, about how I was working on this WordPress site. And somebody is like, “Oh, do you do WordPress? And I picked up a client. I’m like, oh, you can use Twitter for business. Now this is early on, you know, it’s those kinds of things. It was like, you know, I was 50 podcast episodes in, maybe more, before I got a piece of business out of it. It’s about being there all the time, so you build up that trust.

So I think that is really important, above and beyond just the value. It’s the fact that you’re spreading your seeds as far as they can go. You’re not putting them all in one place. And also, you’re providing value consistently. And I think those are two key things. It’s old school, but it works.

Teresa: Yeah. And like you said, I think sometimes people think the key bit in all of this is understanding your customer. And I do a huge amount of work to understand my audience, to know them. Like in my membership, there are very few people, that I don’t know what they do or their life. Lots of them, like my next level membership, I could tell you the names of their children and their partners. Like it’s that close because that’s how I understand who my customers are and the problems they’ve got.

And someone might come to me because they think, oh, she had an agency and I want an agency, or she’s got an online business and I want an online business. So I’ll create something for them. Some of them will come to me because they’re sick of people saying, you got to hustle, you’ve got to do this. And actually they’ve got three kids and a parent they’re looking after, and that is just not a thing. And they want to come to me because I talk on a different side of my mindset or my managing my day with all these things. Someone might want to do a webinar and they’ve seen me do webinars. So I do that.

So I think like you said, I think spreading, obviously they’re all focused around the same thing. They’re all focused around running a business, running a small business, and marketing that small business. But not every client comes to you for that reason. They don’t all come to you because of one specific thing, they will come to you for lots of different things.

And also, the other thing I do is, so I have evergreen lead magnets that I write all the time that doesn’t matter when you get them, they’re going to work, and they’ll be fine. But I also have seasonal stuff. So one of the big things I’m big in, in my own life and in my membership, is that we do a lot of goal setting. And at the end of the year, we do an event where we plan our next year. We think about what we’re going to do. We do some mindset stuff. So I’ll do a lead magnet around, this is how I goal set. If you want to goal set, you could do that, too. Or I might do lead magnet around, I think I did some stuff when lockdown first happened, and I talked about how I worked from home, because I’d always worked from home. So how do I manage that? So I’m trying to address the problems they have at that point in their business. And I think sometimes we’re not willing to, you know, I sell a marketing academy that helps people with marketing. So why am I doing stuff around how to work from home. But that’s the problem my customers had at that point.

And I had a really great example of, I have a course called “Build My List”, where you come on and basically within three weeks, I walk you literally holding your hands, how to do the lead magnet, the landing pages, do all the emails, that sort of thing. And one of my students that came on that, she ran a not touristy thing, but kind of local Facebook page for the area she lived. And the Facebook page would talk about things like this restaurant is opening, or this events on, or this thing’s happening. And she came on Build My List and she was like, what’s my lead magnet going to be? Because we’re in lockdown and no one’s allowed to leave their homes. So I was like, so who are your customers? Who are you talking to then? And she said it’s often women, we do a lot of things around families and children. So I was like, so what’s their problems now, like where right now are they having an issue. And she created a lead magnet about five unique ideas for lockdown birthday parties. And it’s perfect. So good. I know that’s not what she’s selling, but the thing where her customers were at that point. And actually she is a really good success story. She put it out into a Facebook community and got 100 people on our list within a week because she met where they were.

And I think sometimes when people put together lead magnets, they want to show off what they know, or they want to go, you should be doing this. And it’s like no, what are they asking for? What do they need help with right now? That’s what we need to help them with.

Rich: All right. That’s some good stuff. You’ve done that for yourself, it sounds like you’re doing it with some other people. You talked about the fact that you’re promoting these sometimes through Facebook ads to draw attention to them. What are some of the other techniques you’re using to draw attention to your lead magnets and get your ideal customers to recognize that that content is out there?

Teresa: This is a great one, actually, because you know what happens? Lots of people are like, [inaudible] to sell a lead magnet, I haven’t got anybody on my list. And I have this lot long ago, and I said, okay, can you let me know how many times you put your post out saying you’ve got this lead magnet? She went, “I did it once on Instagram stories. I’ve done a couple of tweets and I did a Facebook post.” I went, “So four times you’ve posted that.” And she’s like, “Yeah.” I went, “Oh, no, come back and tell me when you did it 40 times.” And I think that’s the problem. People think, oh, I’ve said that. I told people about that.

So one, it’s constantly having it in your content. So it’s posting it, probably twice a week I post the lead magnet on my social media. And what I do, I tell people for each lead magnet you want at least three different images, three different captions. So for instance, let’s say I’m going to post on every week, and I’ve only got one lead magnet. It’s going to be four weeks before you see the same thing again. So ideally you want to mix it up and you want to mix up the captions. Because one thing might not attract them, but stating it in a different way or asking a question in a different way might attract them. I make it really obvious.

So when I did the checklist for social media managers, my headline on my social media posts said, “Do you manage social media for other people? If, so this is for you.” So immediately, if you read that and go, no, you move on. If you read that and go, yes, you go, oh, what’s this? So that’s the first thing, constantly on social media. Every single week, twice a week, probably most cases I promote a lead magnet and some of these lead magnets I’ve had for ages. It’s about putting them in different and good ways. So if you’re in a Facebook group and you’re allowed – obviously every Facebook, because it’s rules – if you’re allowed to post it, post it there. If I do talks, I always make sure if I’m speaking, I have some kind of lead magnet that fits really nicely to the thing I’m speaking about. I will often talk about on a podcast, as on some of my own podcasts, I will say, “Da, Da, Da, and by the way, if you want more on that, I’ve got that thing there.”

So it’s almost like having, and I’ve been working on some Trello boards for a bit of a bonus thing I’m doing on managing content, and there’s like a core section of things you’ve always got to mention, things you’ve always got to have in your mind to talk about. Lead magnets are one, and then your products and service are the other. You always need to have it in mind, okay, what have I got for this? Again, I always look for opportunities to create them with things like, if a post has gone really well, or I had lots of comments on it, I’m like, okay, well, how could I turn that into a lead magnet because that’s obviously resonating.

I do things like content upgrades. So for the podcast, and actually a podcast works really well, because you’re normally probably listening to this now and you’re doing something else. So you could be driving. I tend to listen to them getting ready in the morning. You might be cooking dinner, whatever it is. If I go through a strategy or some tips or a kind of format, then that’s going to be really hard for you to get your head into and write down or whatever. So during the podcast I say to you, don’t panic. If you go to this address, you can download that checklist or download that thing.

So for me, it’s about weaving it into everything that you can think about in terms of constantly putting an [inaudible] there as a thing. And I think often, like I said, people create them, they don’t share them. Put them on your header cover for Facebook and Twitter, put them in your bio. Your bio is great, we change that all the time. You know, when we do a new one, we obviously have a page for Instagram, and that goes to the top of the page. You know, have a freebies page. On my website I have three set on my website on my home page and you know what happens? People opt into all three at once.

Rich: Do you put them all three at one, or do you do one and then once you got them, you say, “Hey, you might also be interested in these things”?

Teresa: Absolutely. So for instance some of my lead magnets will lead into bigger things. So inevitably my main thought is when someone’s coming to you new, they’re investing their time in you. And although people think, well, it’s just that time, they’re not paying for it. Well, we can’t create any more time. We can create more money. So actually, if they’re willing to put that time into you, then you’ve got to take that really, really seriously. So I keep it short and sweet. And then if I’m going to do another lead magnet, like I’m actually in the middle of a bootcamp at the moment, which technically could be classed as a lead back magnet. I promote that more to the people on my list than I do externally, because I’m asking someone to join me for an hour a day for four days. That is a hell of a lot to ask of someone when they don’t know who you are.

So maybe like a few weeks before I might promote a certain lead magnet, I might advertise it or share it extra. And then on the back of that lead magnet, it’ll say, oh, and you might want to come and do this thing. But hopefully by the time that thing comes around, the bootcamp or webinar or whatever, they started to get to know me. They might be following me on social or they might be getting my emails and they’re like, actually, this woman’s all right. Or, I quite like it. Or, they think, no, this isn’t for me. And therefore they won’t even waste their time joining me for a bootcamp.

Rich: Teresa, we’ve only gotten to half the questions I was originally planning on asking you. So I’m going to ask you to come back. Will you come back and do another segment with me?

Teresa: 100%.

Rich: All right. Awesome. I’m going to feel good about putting those aside. So we’ll do that for, this is the cliff hanger. All right. We’re cliff hanger right here. We’ll come back with Teresa, maybe in a month or two, and we’ll do the rest of the questions. But you’ve got some stuff coming up. You’ve obviously got a lot of interesting things that people are going to want to check out. Where do we want to send them?

Teresa: So you can search Teresa Heath-Wareing anywhere. The beauty of having an unusual name, you’ll find me. I’m most often on Instagram, that’s my favorite. But if you go to teresaheathwareing.com, you’ll find everything on there.

Rich: All right. This is awesome. Teresa, it was just an absolute pleasure to speak with you today. Thank you so much for coming by and sharing a lot of those ideas. I can’t wait to be on your show, and I can’t wait to get you back on my show again for part two. Just really appreciate your time.

Teresa: Oh, it’s been my absolute pleasure. Thank you so much, Rich.

Show Notes:

Teresa Heath-Wareing finds passion in helping entrepreneurs in their business journey, start and scale their online businesses and find the financial freedom they seek. You definitely want to check out her podcast, full of info that any digital marketer can leverage.

Rich Brooks is the President of flyte new media, a web design & digital marketing agency in Portland, Maine, and founder of the Agents of Change. He’s passionate about helping small businesses grow online and has put his 20+ years of experience into the book, The Lead Machine: The Small Business Guide to Digital Marketing.