568 episodes | 572K+ downloads

Being part of a startup is an exciting time. There’s a reason why people compare it to a rollercoaster ride! The ups: You’re filled with passion about creating something that will bring value to others. There’s a certain energy that fuels your dreams–no, that’s not the Red Bull–and allows you to take on new challenges […]


We love to receive feedback, comments and questions from our listeners and relish the opportunity to answer any specific questions or pain points that you may have. Recently we received an email from a communications and marketing student from Canada seeking some information specifically around the area of blogging. So we decided to help her […]


Learn how to manage your digital marketing in an hour a day from tech guru Rich Brooks at AOC2015! Rich Brooks is founder and president of flyte new media, a web design and Internet marketing firm in Portland, Maine. His flyte  email newsletter and web marketing blog cover topics such as search engine optimization, blogging, social media, email marketing, […]