567 episodes | 520K+ downloads

You don’t have to look far to find influencers. They’re the people that have established their own following through their use of tools like blogs and social media to let their followers know when something is good (or less than stellar). It’s amazing what people will do when they get something above and beyond what […]


We all know the importance of reaching the right audience, but what about getting a little help doing that. As the saying goes, “it’s all about who you know”, and there is a lot of truth in that. So why not find some influential people to help us get the word out about our products […]


Do you know who the influencers in your business, industry or niche are? Do you know where to find them? These are the thought leaders that have built trust and credibility among their audiences through their products or services by creating great value. When you connect and engage with these influencers, you can begin to […]