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How to Send Cold Emails That Get Read – Laura Lopuch
The Agents of Change

Most people hate getting cold emails. They’re intrusive, and often feel like they’re a waste of time. But what if we told you that there’s a way to send cold emails that is actually effective? Laura Lopuch shows you how to craft cold email messages that get results, and also share some tips for avoiding common mistakes made when sending cold emails. So whether you’re looking to generate leads or build relationships with potential clients, read on for everything you need to know about successful cold emailing!


Rich: My guest today is a cold email and pitch expert who helps entrepreneurs write winning cold emails that sell naturally. Four months after launching her business, she grew it by 1,400% and signed a $20,000 client from just cold emails. Now she uses cold emails as her only marketing strategy. She has since helped her clients get their next big $10,000 or $25,000 client with cold emails using her powerful, The Relevancy Method.

She wrote a viral article for Copy Hackers and has been featured on outlets like The Fizzle Show, Copy Chief Radio, Crazy Egg, and Unbalance. She has also spoken at conferences like Micro Comp and Shine Bootcamp.

I’m very excited to be talking about cold emails with Laura Lopuch. Laura, welcome to the podcast.

Laura: Thanks, Rich. I’m really excited to be here.

Rich: Now of course we’ll have edited out all the times I stumbled over everything in there, but we’re ready to go now. All right.

So cold email, such an interesting concept. How does one get started sending cold emails? Like, how did you get into it?

Laura: That’s a good question. And it boils down to the fact that I had quit my job full-time job, salaried, safe position, quit it in a flurry of rage and was well, this is way before my anticipated timeline and my husband’s looking at me going, so what are you going to do now? And I’m going, I hate cold calling. I hate calling people on the phone, but I’ve got to find clients beyond this $200 a month blogging client that I had currently, that I was balancing at the time.

So I figured why not cold email people. It seemed a little bit less risky, a little bit less vulnerable than say calling someone up and having that like awkward silence when you’ve, “I want to pitch you for…” say, a writing thing. And it’s I’m not like a speaker, I’m a writer. Like, why not just stay in that zone of genius, that channel, and then I could iterate as I went. So I didn’t have any marketing budget, any contacts, any referral network, any network whatsoever to tap for clients. So I just started cold emailing, really. Honestly, I didn’t know any better and I just had to make something work. My back was up against the wall. I had a mortgage, and my husband and I were used to two incomes coming in, basically. So I had to step up to the plate and start swinging.

Rich: All right. And I want to dive into more aspects of what you just said. But I’m just thinking for myself, and already today I’ve dealt with 40 emails that start off,” Hey, quick question”, or “I’m following up on that email that I sent” from people I’ve never heard of and with random Gmail handles. And it’s just incredibly frustrating and takes up my day. And I’m sure a lot of listeners are like, cold email is sleazy. What do you say to people who have those kind of concerns?

Laura: You’re absolutely right. Cold email is sleazy, given the way that 99% of people send those emails. They’re totally completely sleazy. But there is a different way. And if you’re cool with it, I’d love to share how you can be different. Because 99% of the emails that are sent are sleazy, there’s a super low bar for you. There’s a low threshold. So if you just dare to be a little bit different, you can rise above the crud and you can stand out in someone’s inbox, even if it is a cold email. And even if your recipient is thinking, okay, this is a cold email, cold emails are sleazy, but you can still get a reply if you just up level just a little bit.

Rich: All right. Well, yes, because I am the first person to hit the spam button. I don’t want to be bothered by this person again button. So tell me how you get by somebody like me.

Laura: Yeah. So basically you use the ‘relevancy method.’ Which boils down to answering the question in your recipient’s head, which is, “what’s in it for me?” And it’s a basic human question. It’s actually the question we filter a lot of requests in. We filter it through that question, and it doesn’t matter if you’re in your inbox, you’re maybe walking your kid to school, whatever it could be, interacting in your daily life, talking to your mom on the phone. As soon as we get a request in our lives, we’re always filtering it through this question, “What’s in it for me?” Well, keep my mom happy if I do this right. Well, if I walk my kid to school, he’s going to be safe and maybe I can talk to him about his upcoming day. This is just a natural human question. And that’s why so many cold emails fail, is because they fail to answer that question for their recipient.

So for example, a real life example. When I filled out your form, I had looked at your past episodes. I was looking for a gap in all your episodes, in all your content, that I could fill. And there was one, talking about cold emails, which is why I’m here today. Because I specifically looked at you and Agents of Change and how I can come in and fill that gap. And that answers that question for you, “What’s in it for me?” How can I be, I hate to say ‘of service’ because it feels religion to me, but I want to say, how can you be a problem solver for the person that you’re cold emailing. That’s really what it boils down to. They have a problem, and you can potentially solve it. And it’s actually within your obligation and your responsibility to step up and say, “Hey Rich, I can solve your problem. I can talk about cold emails in a different way than you’ve ever heard before, and I can help your audience send really relevant, successful cold emails. Even if they think that cold emails are sleazy.”

Rich: So I will say obviously it worked, because here you are. And I understand the idea of figuring out what’s in it for somebody else. I listened to the Dale Carnegie tapes back in the day where he always talks about how you satisfy other people’s needs before your own, all that sort of stuff. And you obviously succeeded with me. But there’s still that barrier that so many business people put up where we don’t either have triggers. Like literally if I see the words ‘quick question’, I hit delete or spam before I see anything else, because it’s so played out. And there are other ones, we all have our own sort of things. But how do you get past that automatic reflex even before maybe somebody is what’s in it for me. There is all of a sudden, you’ve eaten up some of my time because you’ve taken up space in my inbox. So there must be something about the subject line or the way we frame things or whatever it is, and I’d love to just hear your thoughts on that.

Laura: Sure. That’s a great question. And it does really come down to framing. You totally teed up my answer. So thank you. So really it does come down to framing, and also realizing that the person on the other side is a human. So how can you connect with them? It’s not necessarily I need to make a sale in this cold email. It’s more like, how can I start a relationship? How can I start a conversation? Like at the foundational part, how can I relate to them as a human, like me to you?

For example, I once sent a cold email, it was with a podcast pitch. And the subject line was “You have me chuckling at Costco.” And so immediately the recipient’s curiosity is triggered. What did I say? Why is she laughing? What’s going on? That’s what he’s thinking. And it also feels super personal, super relatable, super human. So it jumps out of the realm of a stranger emailing a stranger in an email. And it jumps into the, oh, this is maybe someone I know, this could be a colleague of a colleague. So if you can try to make that into a colleague of a colleague or what would you email a friend? What would you put in that subject line? And chances are, it would feel very different than what you would put in like a business email or a traditional cold email, like ‘quick question’. You would never email your friend ‘quick question’, like seriously, who says that? Who talks like that?

Rich: Well, I might have, I never will again, I’ll tell you that. Those people ruined it for me. Check that off. So what was the Costco thing? Was that, did you do some research and they had made some tweet or comment about Costco, and you were like, this is going to be a good in for me?

Laura: Yeah. I can’t leave the open loop hanging, can I? I got to close it.

Rich: There’s an information gap here. Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, totally. So then in the email itself, I went on to tell a little bit of a story. Like I was listening to this podcast while I was shopping at Costco. It’s like my break away from my three kids. It’s my chance to drive fast, listen to whatever I want to listen to with the windows wide open, super loud. But while I was shopping at Costco, I was listening to his podcast and he said something that made me laugh. It was just super funny. So I just told that story in the beginning. I kind of gave a little backstory. He’s a father. So I connected, you know, this is why I’m at Costco, my night off kind of thing. And then did a little bit of a bridge of segue between, and then pitched him on, “Hey, I’d love to come on your podcast.” And he said ‘yes’.

Rich: Yeah, that definitely makes a difference. So when you first said the thing about Costco, I thought he was referencing Costco. You like, you had me at hello. You made me laugh at Costco, but now I realize you’re actually in Costco. But still, totally get the point here that you’re catching somebody off guard. You’re doing something that feels human, but also is not going to be like everybody else either. So I think those are two important key things. Yeah.

And you did your research, even though in this case, it may have just been random research – or maybe it wasn’t. But I’d like you to talk a little bit about how you’d start to develop the list or, start to develop targets is a harsh word, but target how do you find the people that you want to connect with?

Laura: Yeah, I would say it boils down to being curious and keeping your eyes open. For example, I was reading, I wish I could tell you the name of the book but I have still newborn baby brain and I can’t, but I was reading this really interesting kind of business book. And on the back cover how they have all the testimonials from other authors in the same genre, I saw Chris Guillebeau’s name and it said, “Host of whatever the name of his podcast is.” And I was like, oh, he has a podcast. So I Googled it and I was like, oh, this is really cool. I had no idea he had a podcast, a daily podcast, which means he’s also looking for people to fill those daily slots. He’s constantly looking for new content, new guests, new interesting topics. So immediately he went on my list of people to contact. And so that’s just an example of just staying kind of aware, but not hunting anyone down. You’re just like looking around like, oh, this person mentioned so and so in their podcast, I wonder what they’re talking about. Or I wonder what this host is talking about. And that’s actually how I found you is I think I wish I could remember, but you must have had someone on your podcast that I was like, oh, I know that person. What’s this podcast? I’ve never heard of Agents of Change and Rich.

Rich: What?! I’m just kidding.

Laura: I know, right? So I got educated and I started doing my research, and that’s how it is. You just kind of start paying attention. See who’s talking about the stuff that you want to be talking about, and then pick up on that. And if you want to pitch people to be clients use that same approach. Because it’s not just applicable to partnership pitching, which is basically what I’m talking about with pitching podcasts and the like. But it works, too, with finding out clients, like what’s someone who’s doing something cool that you’re interested in. And then maybe what are other businesses that are like it. You can go on LinkedIn and they usually suggest similar businesses or people also looked at this business, and you can of follow that rabbit hole down. But really, it just boils down to who’s doing something really cool that is in that realm of a problem that you can solve for them.

Rich: You kind of already got into one of my questions that I was planning on asking, so let’s go there now. Because there is a difference between pitching yourself for a podcast and basically pitching to part somebody from their money. I know I’m being a little harsh with the language here, but there’s definitely a difference. Like for me, I need 52 guests a year. So I mean, the bottom line is that’s an obvious need for me. And admittedly, I get pitched a couple three times a day. Like it’s insane the number of people who try and come on the show. And I actually have a process because I can’t pay attention to everybody who wants to come on the show, you got through all of that because of the way that you did this approach. But it is still different.

So if I’m just thinking about myself selfishly right now, which is I guess, what’s in it for me. And you know, one of the things that my company, flyte new media, we obviously do a lot of digital marketing. Our best clients are usually directors of marketing who don’t have enough time or don’t have enough bandwidth or enough expertise on their team. And we come in and we basically act like part of their marketing team.

So I’m trying to figure out how do I take this, and then apply it to something like that. So whether it’s that example or just another more pure sales example, I’d love you to maybe walk us through an example.

Laura: Yeah, definitely. So I would love to use your business as the example, because you’ve already highlighted the two pain points. They don’t have the bandwidth, they don’t have the time. So that’s the problem that you can solve. They’re already mostly aware of this problem I’m guessing. So you don’t have to do any educating on why this problem matters or why they should solve it. They’re already aware. Which means you can purely come in and say, I have the solution and here’s why I’m a good fit.

So really what that would look like is writing an email which in the first bit connect with them as a person, and let them know that you understand their problem and that they’ve like you’ve helped other people like them solve the same problem. So you could drop a stat. I’m sure you have some great testimonials, some cool stats probably, to say something along the lines of, we’ve helped X amount of marketers just like you save so many hours per week, thereby increasing revenue X amount of dollars. Something like that sentence answers the what’s in it for me, for them. And also helps build some trust. You’re not some weird freelancer living in their basement with a pile of caps behind them, and you’re going to ghost them at the first deadline. You’re legit. You’re going to come in, you’ve done this before. This is not your first rodeo. You’re going to help them. And this is the exact monetary benefit that they get.

Because if you just come in and say, I’m going to help you save 20 hours a week, they’re going to be like, okay, that’s cool. But it doesn’t really mean anything because time feels different to everybody. Time fluctuates. Time is like a fluid thing, but money is concrete. You feel the hurt when you lose it, you feel the joy when you get lots of it. And then you can also feel the satisfaction when you take that number to your boss and say, hey, I saved the company this much by employing these guys at whatever rate. And their boss is like, well done.

So that’s just from the viewpoint of the marketer. So now that you know how you can solve their problem, you just have to tell them that. You can’t expect them to read your mind. You have to put it out in the breadcrumbs. This is how I can help you, and tie it to a bottom number, like a figure. Tie it to the money. You know, (Jerry) McGuire always said, “Show me the money”, right? So how can you help them see that in their business or help them show it to their boss so that they look super cool.

Rich: And if we’re looking at something that is more in the sales realm, and again, I may have been doing this too long so I’m definitely more jaded than most. But when I see something like, “So can I get 15 minutes on your calendar?” or “Do you have time Tuesday or Wednesday, which is best for you?” I know those are closes. I see them a mile away. So do you feel that they’re fine because Rich, you’re just too jaded? Or are there other ways that you would end that initial email that might lead to better results?

Laura: Yes. So don’t leave it open ended. Don’t make your recipient think, do the thinking for them. Instead of saying, are you open Tuesday or Wednesday or whatever. That’s a great start, but you can totally optimize on it. And by which I mean say, “Are you open Tuesday at 1:45 Pacific to chat further or to discuss further or to answer your questions?” And it helps if you have done a little bit of research to figure out if your recipient is the personality type who has a lot of questions. Because there’s definitely those people. I’m definitely one of those people. It sounds like you are, too. And is a little bit cagey, a little bit jaded. Man, I just don’t, I don’t know about you, but I personally don’t do any meetings if I can help it. So you trying to get 15 minutes of my time. That’s an automatic ‘no’. But if you ask someone, “Are you interested?” That’s a far easier ‘yes’. And that’s something that I personally have replied to and called emails where it’s yes, I’m interested. And I feel comfortable saying ‘yes’ because I know that there’s a back door. Like, “Oh, things changed, I’m not interested anymore” if there’s like warning signs or red flags, I have an exit route.

So I would say try different calls to action. Be super specific. If you’re asking for a meeting, go really specific. “Are you open for a 15-minute zoom call on Tuesday at 1:45 Pacific?” Put the time in your recipient’s time zone so that they don’t have to think. So that they can go to their calendar right away and say, 1:45, nope, got a meeting. But chances are, and this has happened to me, they’ll say, “1:45 doesn’t work, but what about Tuesday or Thursday at 10:00 AM?” And there’s your meeting booked, right? So it kind of skips over the, ‘do I want to take this meeting’ in your reader’s mind, to the ‘this time doesn’t work but this time does.’ And if you’re not getting any traction with that, dial it down. Dial it way back to the, “Are you interested, yes or no?” And then you know whether or not to follow up. If this is someone you want to continue pursuing or if it’s someone that you’re like, this is just not a good fit and that’s cool. And you can go your separate ways. No harm.

Rich: All right. Now when it comes to, if I’m taking on the other side of it, and I tend to be a very, I wouldn’t say I’m an aggressive salesperson, but I’m very tenacious once we’ve had that first conversation or that there’s been a proposal. Like I will not let it drop. And sometimes people get sick and tired of me. And other times you’re like, oh my God, thank God you’re still nagging me. Because that was just the way that I learned sales. If they’ve shown interest and they have interest and when they say that they don’t need you, then you can walk away. But until they say that or until you get that cease-and-desist letter, is usually how I joke about it, if I’m on my 10th email at that point, but whatever it is.

So I wanted to bring this back to, if you don’t get a response that first time, do you follow up? What are your next steps? And I’m just curious for you personally, Laura, what is your point where you’re like, they’re not responding, I’m just going to call it a day?

Laura: So to answer your first question, yes, definitely follow up. Always follow up. In fact, follow up quickly if you can. Try to give it like a two-day buffer, because some people they might have a really bad day, maybe the next day their kid is sick. Allow for things happening in real life in real time, especially with COVID still happening. It’s just uncertain times, basically. So allow for a little bit of breathing room so you’re not coming on too hot and heavy. But definitely follow up. Because exactly as you said, they showed interest. So until they say, “Hey, bugger off, we’re done, I’m not interested. I’ve hired someone. This is not the right time.” That’s you have their permission to follow up. So keep following up.

Rich: Do you have any scripts or general approach when it comes to that follow up message? We’ve all gotten them like, “Hey, I know you’re busy. I just thought I’d push this to the top of your inbox” or whatever it may be. Are there things that you say or stay away from in those follow up emails?

Laura: Yes, stay away from, “I know you’re busy.” Everybody’s busy, don’t say that. That gives them an automatic out to be like, yeah, I am busy. Delete. Not replying. Just keep it really simple. Keep it respectful. Keep it in the same email thread. Don’t make them hunt for your first email, because they won’t. So hit ‘reply’ to your initial email. Say something simple like, “Following up. Thanks, Laura.” Push send. That’s it.

On about your second or third, follow up, repeat the call to action from your initial email. Because at that point, that goal, that question is really far down there so you don’t want to have them scroll again. Minimize the friction, minimize the work that they have to do, the thinking that they have to do. Help them say ‘yes’ easily. And keep following up until you get to that point where, is this person worth pursuing? Is this opportunity someone that I really want to work with? Is this really something that I want to continue investing my energy into? Or is it better to let it go and then maybe revisit it later. And if you get to that point, you can just let it go. Or you can try one last ditch effort which is, “Hey, looks like this offer, this pitch isn’t resonating with you. Would you care to share why?” And that might unlock some things they might have been waiting on some other little trigger in their business to unlock. And then they could say yes to you. But you don’t know until you ask.

Rich: Makes a lot of sense. You mentioned, and I mentioned in the intro, about the relevancy method. I don’t know how much of it we may have tackled already, but I did want to just give you the opportunity. Are there ways of being more relevant, from what we’ve discussed already? And is this all part of the methodology that you use that you’re calling the relevancy method?

Laura: It is all part of the methodology. Really the full definition, I kind of gave you the boiled down definition earlier, but the full definition of the relevancy method is, “style into your reader’s hopes, dreams, and fears in order to answer that question of what’s in it for me.” So those are some triggers, some levers that you can pull. What are they hoping for? What are they dreaming of? How can I help them achieve that? What are their goals? What are the fears that they’re trying to avoid? How can I step in as the problem solver and help them? Maybe they’re aware of the problem, in which case you don’t have to do as much heavy lifting like citing stats and research on why a website that doesn’t convert very well is losing them sales. It’s a leaky funnel, right?

But maybe they are aware of that and you don’t have to do as much. Because you can tell going on their website it’s from 1985, and heck, they probably need to update at some point because they might be thinking of retiring and sprucing up their business for a retirement. And that would be way more attractive to a seller, to a buyer and a seller relationship.

So really try to think about what’s going on for your cold email reader and how can you with your particular set of. Come in and solve that problem for them that maybe they’re aware of. Maybe they’re not, but either way you have the solution, which is super valuable. Which means you should send that cold email is what it boils down to make the connection. Think of them as a human, which means do your research, and answer that question for them, what’s in it for me. On reading your email, why should they hire you versus someone else? How can you make that connection? And how can you help them get a really good solution to their problem?

Rich: You mentioned earlier when you talked about Costco, you put that in the subject line. I mentioned as soon as I see the words ‘quick question’, I immediately delete it. Subject lines are of course always important. Do you have any general tips about subject lines when you’re creating these cold emails?

Laura: Yeah, I would say the framework for creating a really good subject line is to go into your inbox and look at the subject lines. I usually go into the provost tab because that’s where all of the newsletters congregate. So go in and look at all those subject lines. I bet after a while your eye will start to blur because they all look the same. So start looking at the subject lines. And then start thinking of what kind of subject line would stand out. What kind of subject line would feel like a friend is emailing me? Maybe it’s a friend from high school that you’ve forgotten about, but it’s still a friend, and someone that you’re like, oh, I know this person, this feels like an actual human on the other side of the email. What kind of subject line would that feel like?

A lot of times the subject line will come out of the email. So I won’t even write the subject line until I’ve written the email, and then I’ll look back through and be like, what’s a weird quirky phrase. Like another cold email I wrote that got opened and replied to quickly was, “Holy French Toast”. And It’s like just a weird, quirky thing, but I knew that he would probably open it because he talks about brand voice and that’s in his realm. It’s something weird, something quirky. So if you can think of something like that.

One of the emails that I sent a long time ago I think had the subject line of, “your mentor does this, but you don’t” along those lines. Or you can take the quick and easy shortcut, which is get on someone’s email list that you want to work with and hit ‘reply’ to one of their emails. That’s the easiest hack out there. If you’re stuck on thinking of a subject line, try that.

Rich: That is a good one, because it immediately shows that at least you’re subscribed to their email newsletter. It’s the same thing I tell people when they want to connect with me on LinkedIn. Hey, if you’re a listener to the show, let me know, because I’ll connect with you. But if you’re not, you’re going to go to the back of the line. So, exactly.

You know, as we’re talking about being personal and being human in these emails and the subject lines, I’m curious to know what your stance on emojis are, which almost all email marketers use. I have to admit, even though I’m a 54-year-old male, I love emojis. I just think they’re the most brilliant things since hieroglyphics. So I’m curious to know if you use them in your cold emails, and if you’ve had success or found that they just don’t work for you?

Laura: The short answer is if the person that you’re emailing, your reader, uses emojis, use them. I have written a cold email with emojis. I don’t typically like emojis, but in this email I did. And I used fake little hashtags, like #hadtogetaHarryPotterreferencein, because I knew that they used that kind of language in their emailing because I was on their email list because I knew who they were. I’d been paying attention and doing my research. So if you can mirror back someone’s language and the way that they write in your initial cold email, it’s going to be, I’d be surprised if it wasn’t a home run basically, because of the way our brains work and those mirror neurons, we mirror people that we like.

So if someone is doing something and you unconsciously mirror them, whether in language or in like physical body movement, they’re going to feel aligned with you. So if you can do that in your initial cold email, it’s going to feel way more personable. It’s going to feel way more relevant, and it will probably be way more successful just because of the way our brains work.

Rich: So much of this work does not feel scalable. A lot of markers want everything to be scalable. What is your reaction to that statement?

Laura: I actually don’t think that we are in a scalable marketing world anymore. I actually think that a lot of people are jaded. and it’s getting harder and harder to make sales on that one to million ratio that a couple years ago it was possible. I think COVID changed a lot of things. I think a lot more people are jaded and there’s a lot more guards up. They’re scared of being taken advantage of. Either they were taken advantage of, or they’ve heard a story of it. So it’s a little bit harder to get a sale, which is why you have to be different and why you have to take that connection route.

Again, going back to COVID. Being in quarantine for a long time I think raised everyone’s awareness of how much connection is important and how much humans are geared to connect. And I think a lot more people are lonely. So if you strike that connection cord in your cold email, they’re going to like you, your recipient’s going to like you, they’re going to feel connected with you just because of the way humans are wired, we’re wired to connect, but also because of recent events in the world and how people, if you look around, we are all coming together. And that’s not scalable at all, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I think scaling is really just go as far as you want to go, you don’t have to make millions. You don’t have to be the next Amy Porterfield or the next Russell Brunson. You can be you. And the cool thing is that you get to choose what that goal looks like, and that might not be scalable. And that’s totally cool.

Rich: I’m wondering if you have any thoughts on the actual email address that you’re sending from? Does that make a difference?

Laura: It totally does. It’s the first kind of red flag or trust indicator in your inbox. If I were to pull up my inbox on my phone, and we all read emails on our phone nowadays, it’s literally the first thing that you see that’s that ‘from’ name? And then once you open it, it’s the first like thing on the screen, right? It’s someone’s name and someone’s email. So if you are sending from a business email address, laura@lauralopuch.com, right? It immediately signifies trust. I’m a legit professional. I have gone so far to be legit and to get an actual professional email address. If you’re signing from gmail.com, it feels a little less legit. It feels a little bit like fly by night. This person might not hit the deadlines. They might just take my money and run. It feels a little bit less trustworthy. So I would say invest in that business email. Google makes it super easy, why not do it?

Rich: It’s funny because there was a time when people who had Gmail addresses, it was like showing how cutting edge you were. Now this is 15 years ago, of course. But it was a trust factor. And now I agree with you. Because anybody can get a Gmail address or a hundred Gmail addresses, they’re very, you can discard them. It’s like back when you used to go to networking events in real life and somebody would give you one of those really thin business cards, and you flip it over and they would say, “for your 50 free business cards…” I’m like, that’s terrible, I can’t even believe you would hand this out.

So it’s the same thing. I think it’s like, it’s not difficult to get these customized domain names, as you said, but it shows that you’ve done the least amount of effort at, you know, at least. And so it’s a show of that you’re taking this serious, that you’re a real business person and you have something real to offer this person.

So yeah, I would agree. This has been really very interesting and I’m glad you’ve taught me that it’s not all sleazy in the cold email sphere, and actually given me some ideas for my own about doing some outreach. For anybody else who wants to learn more about you or maybe connect with you, where can we send them online?

Laura: Yeah, definitely go to my website, lauralopuch.com. You can also go to lauralopuch.com/aoc, and I put together two cold email templates for you to start you off on your journey at cold emailing. I know that the blank page is the hardest part to master where to come up with the words, what to say. So inside of this little packet is two cold email templates. And then I do believe you do get the actual real life cold email. So you kind of see the unfinished version and the finished version. So you can see how it goes together and so you end up building the right thing versus I don’t know, an Airstream when you set out to build a house kind of thing.

Rich: Excellent. And so that was lauralopuch.com/aoc. And of course we’ll have that in the show notes as well. Laura, it was great meeting you. Congratulations again on the baby and everything else that you’ve accomplished in this world. And appreciate you coming by and sharing your expertise.

Laura: Thank you so much for having me. It was really fun.

Show Notes: 

Laura Lopuch has a knack for creating cold emails that actually get opened. Find out how she’s helping businesses succeed at this delicate strategy using her Relevancy Method by checking out her website, and grab her two free cold email templates.

Rich Brooks is the President of flyte new media, a web design & digital marketing agency in Portland, Maine, and founder of the Agents of Change. He’s passionate about helping small businesses grow online and has put his 20+ years of experience into the book, The Lead Machine: The Small Business Guide to Digital Marketing.