554 episodes | 520K+ downloads

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How to Ignite Your Inspiration for Podcasting Success #AOC2013
The Agents of Change

Don’t Miss Podcasting: 6 Months to 6 Figures…A Podcasters Journey

AOC-Card-DumasPrior to the launch of his podcast, John Lee Dumas literally had no online presence at all.  When he launchedEntrepreneurOnFire on September 22nd, 2012, EOFire immediately rose to the top of the iTunes charts and has remained there. Within the first twelve months, John has built a massive audience (419,000 unique downloads for the month of August) and opened up multiple 5-figure monthly revenue streams ($20,000+ a month in sponsorships and $13,000+ a month for FireNationElite, his elite membership mastermind).

Learn the amazing launch strategy John used to generate such a massive audience and income. Come prepared to be ignited with inspiration to take your podcasting efforts to the next level.