568 episodes | 572K+ downloads

We would like to thank Konvey Email Marketing for sponsoring The 7th Annual Agents of Change Conference!  Konvey is a new entrant into a crowded market space. The Konvey team spent about two and a half years building the platform before releasing the first version. Since then, they have been constantly adding new functionality. As a late […]


We would like to thank Machias Savings Bank for sponsoring The 7th Annual Agents of Change Conference!  “Agents of Change brings us all together-entrepreneurs, marketing managers, business owners, and yes, even bankers-into one exceptional partnership where we harness visionary leadership and innovative thinking to shape communities. We cram all sorts of knowledge from world-renowned digital […]


We would like to thank Machias Savings Bank for sponsoring The 6th Annual Agents of Change Conference!  Agents of Change meet Exceptional Partners. At Machias Savings Bank, we’re all about Exceptional. So when a truly exceptional organization, comes across our path, we feel the need to shout their praises from the rooftops, or laptops, or mobile […]


Advancements in technology are rapidly changing the dynamics of how people get and consume information. As more and more of us rely on mobile and digital devices to keep informed and make decisions, it makes sense that all businesses must adapt to fully reach customers.   BDN Maine knows that in today’s market to reach new […]