565 episodes | 520K+ downloads

How can you use a podcast to build your business? Well, there’s not just one right answer. In today’s episode, we look at how to leverage podcasts for lead gen, for networking, for thought leadership, and more. Podcaster Katie Brinkley joins us to talk through great use cases for podcasting for your business with enough […]


Measuring the success of your podcast is more than just getting in the “New & Noteworthy” section at iTunes. And that means it’s more about getting people to actually subscribe to your podcast than to simply just listen to it. The most obvious way to garner buzz about your podcast is to utilize your email […]


Like many business owners and entrepreneurs you’re probably always searching for a new and creative way to get content out to your audience. Have you considered podcasting? Podcasting is a great way to serve up actionable items and valuable information to your audience without necessarily having to write out content in the way you would […]


Podcasts are a great online marketing tool for your business. They are portable, and therefore a more personal way, to connect with your audience. Whether you’re thinking of starting one or just getting into it, there are a few tips you’ll want to follow to ensure your podcast’s success. It’s no coincidence that the number […]