567 episodes | 520K+ downloads

Ask even the most creative people, and most will agree, staring at a blank canvas – be it a writer, artist, etc. – can be incredibly daunting and overwhelming. Sometimes we need to look around for inspiration before we can create our next big masterpiece. Pinterest aficionado Jeff Sieh – Pinterest isn’t just for the […]


Don’t we all wish we could get inside the heads of our potential customers and find out what they want it will take in order to close the sale with them? Well, you actually can…kinda. According to neuromarketing expert, Felix Cao, you can apply certain brain activity measurement strategies to measure a subject’s response to […]


Video has proven itself to be a valuable part of a good marketing plan when it comes to attracting and promoting your business to your target audience. It goes hand in hand with other strategies – such as SEO – as it can help to increase the time people spend on your website and pages, […]