Robert Brandl

About Robert

Robert is the brains behind EmailTooltester, an expert in all things email marketing. Over the last 15 years, he has navigated both the enterprise and small business sides of email marketing. His company has made it onto the Financial Times list of the fastest-growing companies in Europe (FT1000) two times in a row. Tooltester HQ is based in Barcelona, where he works alongside his team of 10 employees.

Robert’s Giveaway!

Deliverability Checklist

Getting emails delivered successfully is one of the biggest issues email marketers face today. Stricter regulations and new authentication methods mean it’s never been more important than now to follow deliverability best practices.

Our comprehensive Email Deliverability Checklist empowers you with a practical step-by-step guide to boost your email deliverability and overall performance. Download your copy today!

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