Crystal Carter

About Crystal

Crystal Carter the Head of SEO Communications at Wix. She is an SEO & Digital Marketing professional with over 15 years experience working with SEO and Marketing clients around the world like Disney, McDonalds, Tomy and more.

As an SEO, she identifies and implements tactics that help businesses optimise digital activity, drive sales, engagement and growth online.

She has contributed to events, webinars, and publications from Google Search Central, Brighton SEO, Moz, Whitespark Local Search Summit, Semrush, SMX, Search Engine Land, Lumar, Women in Tech SEO and more.

Crystal’s Giveaway

User First Content Template to guide your AI Content Creation

User-first keyword ideation Google Sheet: Develop unique content topics for your business—use this Google Sheet to organize qualitative research from CRMs, reviews, customer feedback and more. Pair theses topic ideas with some of the capabilities of AI tools to create high quality content for your website.

Download Now!