Is your website struggling to maintain its visibility in search results post-Google’s core update? It’s time to revamp your SEO approach and prioritize user-centric strategies. SEO expert Adam Di Frisco helps us unravel the key insights and tactics for navigating Google’s latest algorithm changes, from enhancing content quality to diversifying your SEO strategy across various SERP features.


Ever wondered about the importance of schema—or structured data—in SEO? In competitive niches, it could give you the boost you need to get to page one and drive more qualified traffic through organic search. Crystal Carter, head of SEO Communications at Wix, is here to spill the beans on why schema matters more than you think!


If you’ve ever found yourself staring at stagnating metrics or struggling to revive the pulse of your PPC efforts, you’re in the right place. Andrew Percey of Prometheus PPC is here to unravel expert strategies, actionable insights, and success stories that will help you transform your flatlining paid search campaign into a thriving powerhouse.


What impact will AI and generative tools have on the future of SEO? Alexander de Ridder of SmythOS dives deep into how the supply and demand for these tools can dilute website traffic, and just how to come out a winner in the long game.


Looking to get you or your brand on Wikipedia? It’s not as simple as just creating a page. Discover what Wikipedia looks for and what to avoid. Rhiannon Ruff from Lumino Digital joins Rich Brooks to explore what it takes to get yourself or your business on Wikipedia!


Are your Google Ads missing the mark? Do you want to lower your customer acquisition costs and generate more leads and sales? Of course you do! And this week’s guest is just the person to get you there: Brooke Osmundson is a paid search expert, a Top 50 PPC Influencer, and she’s got over 100 articles under her belt at Search Engine Journal. She shares how to dial in your targeting for better results now!


Whether you’re looking to launch your first Google Ads campaign, or you’re dealing with plateaued results, you may be wondering how to better tap into Search, Display, Discovery, Shopping, and Video Ads for your business. Unravel the mystery behind Google’s wide variety of ad options with Jyll Saskin Gales as she empowers us to tap into new audiences, boost brand visibility, and achieve remarkable results.


Are you tired of attracting the same type of clients with no real change in your business? It’s time to level up and start attracting better, higher-paying clients! Many people don’t realize that they need to drastically change their approach in order to see different results. Martin Huntbach and Lyndsay Cambridge, from Jammy Digital, are here to stop us from attracting just any client, and get us on our way to attracting the right clients for our business. 


If you want your website or business to reach its full potential, optimizing for search engines (SEO) is essential. Crafting content that speaks directly to the needs of your target audience and incorporates key phrases, links, and metadata can significantly boost rankings in searches – bringing more visitors and prospects right to your virtual door! SEO expert Damon Burton is here to help us lay the groundwork for creating content that ranks, converts, and is easily repurposed.


Feeling like your sales funnel is missing something? Want to make it more engaging and personal for customers, but don’t know where to start? Make it more personable and captivating with Anne Popolizio’s techniques for providing customers the service they need rather than just pushing them toward a sale.