Whether you’re a small business owner or a marketer, we’re always looking for the secrets to transforming your online business into a conversion powerhouse. Anatoliy Labinskiy is here to dive into his strategies, tips, and best practices that will help supercharge your website’s performance and revolutionize your e-commerce journey!


Is your content creation falling flat? Maybe you’re trying to close the sale at every stage, when instead you should be “selling the next step.” Konrad Sanders, the creative copywriter, is here to share his 13 Lenses approach to help optimize your words and sharpen your focus.


Personalizing your website can be a game-changer for small businesses. It allows you to create a customized experience for every visitor, boosting engagement and conversions. With personalized content, recommendations, and offers based on your visitors’ interests, you’ll be able to stand out from your competitors and build a strong brand reputation. Eric Melchor of OptiMonk helps us level-up our customer experience and loyalty! 


Feeling like your sales funnel is missing something? Want to make it more engaging and personal for customers, but don’t know where to start? Make it more personable and captivating with Anne Popolizio’s techniques for providing customers the service they need rather than just pushing them toward a sale. 


Copywriting isn’t just about tips and tricks. It’s understanding what drives people to decide, purchase, or act. Knowing the psychology behind behavior can be a powerful tool in helping to remove barriers and get your target audience to take action. Daniel Daines-Hutt shares his psychology tactics to improve your content. 


Nancy Harhut, of HBT Marketing, is here to explain to us how mixing a little behavioral science in with our marketing campaigns can actually help us to track down, analyze, and understand the consumer’s decision-making process better, and therefore become more successful in the ways we choose to target them. 


Marketing your business can be overwhelming for a small business owner. Social media posts, networking, figuring out which platforms to use, running digital ads… it’s all very overwhelming and yet we’re still left asking ourselves, “could I be doing more?” Stephanie Scheller, of Increase Your Impact, helps her clients take the guessing game out of […]


As marketers, we all wish we had that magic crystal ball that could tell us exactly what out clients want. Well, there is a way we can put ourselves in our customer’s shoes by zeroing in on their emotional needs. Because the truth is, most people buy based on emotion over logic.  Today’s guest, Wes […]


If you’re a baseball fan, you know that for the pitcher, pitching isn’t just about their arm speed. There are far more processes that must all come together to make a pitcher effective. And so the same can be said for sales and marketing. Most people aren’t struggling with their sales departments. What’s happening is […]